Thing 10 – Wikimedia

While Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons (a free to use library of images, music, videos and photographs), and online dictionary Wiktionary are arguably quite well known, other Wikimedia projects such as Wikibooks (free to use textbooks, guides and manuals), Wikiquote (notable quotations, proverbs and slogans),  and Wikispecies (a species database) are less familiar to me.   I set out to learn more! Thing 10 calls for an exploration of …

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Thing 10 – Wikimedia

Thing 10: Wikimedia

I am writing this post listening to the sound of Wikipedia being edited in real time. The one sound I never hear is silence, a powerful reminder of the site’s pervasiveness. The task of Thing 10 is to spend some time with Wikipedia by playing the Wikipedia Adventure Game, a tutorial designed to teach new… Read more Thing 10: Wikimedia

Thing 10: Wikimedia


For most of us Wikipedia is the first stop on any research journey, but I have been finding out there is so much more to the wonderful world of Wikimedia. From bucket loads of quotes for when your inspiration takes a dip on Wikiquote, to free to use music on Wikimedia Commons, if I had … Continue reading wiki’d


Thing 10: Wikimedia

No idea that there is such a large organisation behind Wikipedia, and that they have more projects going on – so amazing! In the Wikimedia group, I’ve only known Wikipedia. It has been a good friend to quickly search for certain terms or events and to gain a basic idea of it. ;p Although indeed…

Thing 10: Wikimedia

Thing 10 – Wikimedia

I’ve always like the philosophy behind Wikipedia, and more generally Wikimedia Commons.  Wikipedia however, really does demonstrate one of the better aspects of what we as a species are capable of. I signed up for an account as a Wikipedia editor for the first time and worked my way through the Wikipedia Adventure game. I…

Thing 10 – Wikimedia

Thing 10: Wikipedia

This is a cross-post between WordPress and Medium. Egypt’s Library of Alexandria was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world, best known perhaps for having been burned down and thus symbolising a widescale loss of cultural knowledge. I imagine that, for all its tomes, scrolls and wisdoms, it was probably … Continue reading “Thing 10: Wikipedia”

Thing 10: Wikipedia