The University of Edinburgh’s 23 Things for Digital Knowledge is an award winning (LILAC Credo Digital Literacy Award 2017) self-directed course, run by Information Services Group. The programme seeks to expose you to a range of digital tools for your personal and professional development as a researcher, academic, student, or professional. The aim is for you to spend a little time each week building up and expanding your skills.
The course was structured to be presented across twelve weeks with each week containing 2 Things (except week 11 which only has 1 Thing). Since the completion of its first run, the course is continuing to be open and available for anyone to work through and participate in at their own pace.
Anyone can participate in 23 Things for Digital Knowledge by reading through the content and completing each of the Things in their own time.
We ask participants to register a blog with us (as part of Thing 2) to share short blog posts about each of the 23 Things they complete. Blogging provides a space to test out and experiment with many of the Things, to interact with other participants to offer support and advice, and also to reflect on what it is that has been learnt. The blog also serves as an object to demonstrate your learning, and as evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Every participant who completes and posts a blog entry on all 23 Things and submits their blog using the form for Thing 23 will be awarded with an Open Badge. Additionally, any 23 Things finisher may choose to provide us with their details in order to receive an original 23Things laptop sticker of their own!
Click here to learn more about Open Badges
Follow along online, join in and share with your own blog, come along to our face-to-face drop-in sessions across the Edinburgh campuses, or join our online hangouts. How you interact with the course is entirely up to you.
You can choose to sign up to the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge mailing list.
The mailing list sends out an email once a week during the supported season of the course (September – June) and once monthly outside of the supported season. The emails provide overviews of the Things, notification of when 23 Things events are scheduled, and any updates to the course.
For any further enquiries, please contact