PHOEBE Project

PHOEBE ( Portfolios for Online, Experiential, Blogging and Evidence)
we will be reviewing our e-portfolio and blogging tools.  
For Phoebe Bythe, Edinburgh campaigner for women’s training and employment. Phoebe Blyth – Wikipedia

PHOEBE Project

Thing 23: Reflection

Here I am finally (and just a few weeks late!) tackling the final’thing’ by looking back over my experience of completing the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge activities. The things that I particularly enjoyed are: Bitmoji from Thing 5: Diversity – why write a message when a small image of myself can say it better? SoundCloud from … Continue reading Thing 23: Reflection

Thing 23: Reflection

Thing 23: Reflection

Were there Things that you particularly enjoyed? Bitmoji took a while but I do now enjoy searching for images that convey what I want to say.  However I draw the line at adding it to my phone or tablet as I don’t see why they need access to everything I type.  I use it as […]

Thing 23: Reflection