Our new Short Courses Platform has met its first major milestone. We have 18 early adopter courses and over 250 learners enrolled and using the new learning environment. This allowed us to establish and test the basic platform configuration including notifications, basic learner/course set up, as well as the courses templates, training and guidance. This …
Tag: open educational resources
A Cool Thing: Online Teaching and Medieval Studies
My work on 23 Things for Digital Knowledge and my growing interest in how to be an effective and engaging teacher in online spaces led me to attend the Medieval Academy of America webinar, Online Teaching and Medieval Studies yesterday. This post aims to record a few brief notes and reflections from that event. The… Read more A Cool Thing: Online Teaching and Medieval Studies
Thing 12 – Open Educational Resources
Open Education Resources or OER’s are educational resources (for example podcasts, video recordings, lecture slides) that have been licenced to allow them to be shared and reused. A quick internet search reveals resources covering such diverse areas as a Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Visualisations and a Math in Society course available from the Open Course …
Thing 12: Open Educational Resources
Excited to say I am past the halfway point for completing my 23 Things for Digital Knowledge posts! It has been an educational journey and this week I am exploring the world of open educational resources, or OERs. “45th Parallel” by Shutterbug Fotos is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0 In this post I will discuss… Read more Thing 12: Open Educational Resources
winning things
Well done to the 23 Things Team. Winners of the Credo Digital Literacy Award at Lilac Conference 2017!
Sadly I did not manage to keep up with the pace of 23Things this time and I am not eligible for the final prize. Some other people are though, and all the blogs have been impressive. So many people learning so much about so many new things. Well done all.
things to create, curate, collate
Creating a curated collection is one of my favourite passtimes. Selecting items from a larger collection and curating a subset for an exhibition or theme can amuse me for hours. Digital curation is Thing15 of our 23 Things. I do think this is one way in which discerning people can add value to the internet. …
hearing things
Many years ago in a galaxy far, far away Oxford University launched on ItunesU. Here’s the screenshot from BBC ceefax that night. Podcasts are Thing 14 of our 23Things and I am getting nostalgic again. Here’s a case study by Terese Bird of how we approached podcasting at Oxford. And here’s the Oxford podcasts site …
things we can name
My choice of platform for Thing13 of our 23things is Media Hopper. You may wonder why Media Hopper is called Media Hopper. You will know the following definitions of hopper: hopper ( agric) : a container for a loose bulk material. hopper ( minecraft ): a block that can be used to catch item entities, …
people make things open
Thing 12 of our 23 things is OER. I talk a lot about OER. Last week I was talking about it in Barcelona, this week I’m talking about it in Paris, in two weeks I’ll be in Berlin. I also write a bit about OER. On this blog and occasionally for case studies and articles. …
Thing 12: Open Educational Resources
This is a cross-post between WordPress and Medium. Open Educational Resources (OERs) are online or digital resources that are available for others to use to support learning. So says the definition on 23 Things. That makes OER interpretable in many different ways, as ‘resources’ are essentially any form of distributed digital media, which become OER as a result of … Continue reading “Thing 12: Open Educational Resources”
Thing 12: Open Educational Resources
This is the first Thing I’ve struggled with. My colleagues are all heavily involved with making educational resources openly available (either by producing them or facilitating their distribution by social media, etc.), but it’s not something with which I have direct involvement. Even for the Bonus Thing C, I’ve struggled. All of the material seems […]