
I’ve always found LinkedIn a bit of a tricky fit. It’s a bit too “worky” for me to want to check at home, and a bit too “job hunty” to want to check at work. So message requests tend to pile up before I get round to reading them, and it’s usually from people I … Continue reading LinkedIn


LinkedIn – Thing 20 of 23

Business Social Networking – The Devil, or merely Satan?Okay, so that might be a little bit flippant. In all honesty I have been on LinkedIn for a number of years, so to see that the 23 things had it as something I could look at as an assignment was a …

LinkedIn – Thing 20 of 23

Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 20: Professional Social Networks (LinkedIn/

Thing 20 is asking me to look at LinkedIn, and ResearchGate. As an active user of LinkedIn and with accounts of the other two, I’ve already explored this area in great depth. I included these three sites in a Social Media at Work e-Learning package I produced when I worked at Imperial College London. […]

Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 20: Professional Social Networks (LinkedIn/