Games! – Thing 21 of 23

So I went off script again…Basically, my issues with Flash (mainly that it is not wonderfully secure) meant that I was somewhat limited in what I could use/do for this assignment. So what I did do was find an alternative game. An alternative gam…

Games! – Thing 21 of 23

Thing 22: Fun and Play

This is a cross-post between WordPress and Medium. Late at night, disheveled and rather unshaven, I had a go at a few Dubsmashes. A fun bookend to a quality and serious course – kind of like post-karaoke fun for the selfie generation. Enjoy🙂

Thing 22: Fun and Play

Thing 21: Online Games and Learning

I had a go at keeping a digital creature (called GEN) alive on the NMS website  It’s not easy!  I’ve never been very good at these things.  To be honest, I have a short attention span and, if they aren’t immediately easy to play, I get bored and move on quickly.  This game, on […]

Thing 21: Online Games and Learning