It’s been a while since I have posted and thought I had better get the 23Things blog finished!I have had Facebook for many years now and am aware of the privacy settings. I used it a lot however over the years I have stopped posting and using it as muc…
Tag: facebook
Thing 8 – Facebook
It’s been a while since my last post. I’m ashamed. Hopefully I’ll be able to stay on track and finish off my 23 Things! I’ve been using Facebook on-and-off-again for a long time and have joined formal FB groups, such as our local ‘Buy, Swap and Sell’ and ‘Dog Walkers’ groups. I never considered using …
Thing 8 – Facebook
Around the world more than 1.62 billion people log onto the social media platform Facebook on a daily basis (I have to admit to being one of those Facebook fans), and 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second (Zephoria Digital Marketing, October 2019). Thing 8 explores some aspects of this highly popular social media …
Thing 8: Facebook
Intro: no More I last logged into my Facebook profile in December 2015. If not for that, I would probably be writing for the ‘intermediate’ strand of Thing 8. I was a member of Facebook groups, some personal and some professional, and had found the latter a useful way to find out about conferences,… Read more Thing 8: Facebook
Thing 8: Facebook
Facebook is HUGE back in where I’m from. No kidding. It’s literally everyone using Facebook. And I have been playing around its features since undergrad. From my experience, Facebook by far is the most convenient and useful tool for either personal use, professional development, or work. I created and joined groups for various coursework and…
Facebook: Thing 8 of the 23 Things
So, as part of this 23 things journey we are asked to confront the beast, the giant that squats over all social media, trying desperately to scoop new channels into its gaping maw. That’s right. Thing #8 is all about Facebook.Confession time: I have be…
Thing 20: Professional Social Networks
This is a cross-post between WordPress and Medium. These last few posts for 23 Things will have to be fairly brief if I am to make it to the finish line in time. Been going in to rather greater detail than I was intending to and have time for – often the way! I joined … Continue reading “Thing 20: Professional Social Networks”
Thing 8 – Facebook
Like many, I look at Facebook daily. I probably spend around 15 minutes a day (3-4 minutes at a time) looking through my news feed, “liking” and sharing content other people have posted. On average I would say I post one or two things every couple of weeks, I share content three or four times…
Thing 8 : Facebook
I have been using facebook for more than 5 years, I am not exactly sure. I have on-off using it in the past. But after this few years I…
Thing 8: Facebook
I avoided Facebook for many years. I just wasn’t interested. Then, following a conversation with one of my many cousins (28 at the last count, and that’s the ones I know about – rumour has it there are others!), it transpired that I was the only cousin on that side of the family who wasn’t […]
Thing 8: Facebook
I avoided Facebook for many years. I just wasn’t interested. Then, following a conversation with one of my many cousins (28 at the last count, and that’s the ones I know about – rumour has it there are others!), it transpired that I was the only cousin on that side of the family who wasn’t […]
Thing 5: Emoji’s and Diversity
Thing 5 asks you to consider the impact of diverse representation via the emojis we all know and love. I wrote a blog about the impact of emoji’s taking over how we write things, certainly in a colloquial manner. I remember when it was in the news not so long ago, regarding the ability to […]