Indigemoji – Diversity and Representation

Several weeks ago Thing 5 from the University of Edinburgh’s  23 Things for Digital Knowledge course prompted me to explore diverse online representation through the use of avatars, emoticons and emoji.  While I discovered a variety of emoji representing skin colour and cultural diversity, one group not represented was Indigenous Australians. I was very excited …

Continue reading Indigemoji – Diversity and Representation

Indigemoji – Diversity and Representation

Thing 5 – Diversity

Thing 5 discusses diverse representation online and the use of avatars and emoji. I was asked to consider how the release of diverse emoji and emoticons (by Facebook and Apple among others) enables us to better represent ourselves online. Do customisable emoji encourage social inclusion, or conversely, do they actually contribute to racism? It was …

Continue reading Thing 5 – Diversity

Thing 5 – Diversity

Thing 5: Diversity – How to represent others and myself “correctly” in the Digital Cosmos

Hello and welcome back to the Digital Cosmos & I! Emojis. Every student my age knows and used them on an everday basis while sending and typing text messages to family and friends. Over the years, smart phone providers like Apple introduced emojis of almost every skin colour / race to achieve a representation of … Continue reading Thing 5: Diversity – How to represent others and myself “correctly” in the Digital Cosmos

Thing 5: Diversity – How to represent others and myself “correctly” in the Digital Cosmos

Thing 5: Diversity

What in the world does emoji have anything to do with diversity? That was the first thought comes to mind when I read Thing 5. It was interesting reading these 2 articles (See The Washington Post and Huffpost) which present opposite opinions towards the same thing. I respect that both authors have their opinions. However, I cannot…

Thing 5: Diversity

Thing 5: Emoji’s and Diversity

Thing 5 asks you to consider the impact of diverse representation via the emojis we all know and love. I wrote a blog about the impact of emoji’s taking over how we write things, certainly in a colloquial manner. I remember when it was in the news not so long ago, regarding the ability to […]

Thing 5: Emoji’s and Diversity

Thing 5: Diversity

I have to confess that I didn’t see a downside to the new shades of emoji that were released by Apple. However, having read Paige Tutt’s article How Apple’s new multicultural emojis are more racist than before, I can see that the emojis could cause problems.  You have to feel sorry for companies like Apple: […]

Thing 5: Diversity

Thing 5: Diversity

I have to confess that I didn’t see a downside to the new shades of emoji that were released by Apple. However, having read Paige Tutt’s article How Apple’s new multicultural emojis are more racist than before, I can see that the emojis could cause problems.  You have to feel sorry for companies like Apple: […]

Thing 5: Diversity