I asked my excellent Data and Equality Officer to look at our demographics again. I wanted to know if my attempts to diversify the LTW workforce by sex, ethnicity and age were having an impact. She looked at data since 2015. The group has grown about 50%. From 100 in 2015 to 155 in 2022. …
Tag: diversity
Thing 5 – Diversity
Today the topic of focus was diverse representation online through the use of emojis. Until reading the articles I was unaware that there were issues surrounding the new emojis released. However, I completely understand both sides of the argument. In m…
Indigemoji – Diversity and Representation
Several weeks ago Thing 5 from the University of Edinburgh’s 23 Things for Digital Knowledge course prompted me to explore diverse online representation through the use of avatars, emoticons and emoji. While I discovered a variety of emoji representing skin colour and cultural diversity, one group not represented was Indigenous Australians. I was very excited …
Thing 5 – Diversity
Thing 5 discusses diverse representation online and the use of avatars and emoji. I was asked to consider how the release of diverse emoji and emoticons (by Facebook and Apple among others) enables us to better represent ourselves online. Do customisable emoji encourage social inclusion, or conversely, do they actually contribute to racism? It was …
Thing 5 – Diversity
I have enjoyed using emoji’s since they were introduced and had no idea of the hidden meaning behind some of them. To me a peach is a peach! The use of emoji’s make messages more personal and I think everyone should be able to choose emoji’s which are representative of their person, culture and beliefs. […]
Thing 6: Accessibility
How to make online content accessible is not something I know a lot about but increasingly comes up in my interactions with library users. Services to support our students and staff with disabilities are split across a few different areas of the university, so knowing more about web accessibility can help me anticipate and avoid… Read more Thing 6: Accessibility
Thing 5: Diversity
In this post, I will reflect on diversity and representation in online communication. The prompt for this post asks us to focus on this through the lens of emojis/emotions and the release of diverse emoji choices in 2015 by Apple and 2016 by Facebook. EMOJIS The initial controversy over the release of diverse emojis almost… Read more Thing 5: Diversity
I must admit I never really understood why we moved away from yellow faced emojis – isn’t it much better we escape judgments about skin colour for a while?! However, I did a squeal of joy when I heard there were emojis coming with ginger hair, and actually, I think I shed a tear of … Continue reading Avatars →
Online Diversity
I’m really struggling to write this section, not because I don’t understand the content or that I have nothing to say, it’s the absolute opposite. Diversity is something I am so incredibly passionate about that I could go on and on and on but this is about online diversity and emojis. I believe the more emojis … Continue reading Online Diversity →
I never really thought about accessibility on the Internet. The articles I read thanks to the 5th thing of 23 Things made me realize how low the inclusion is in some areas on the internet. People easily face disadvantages because of the low awareness for handicaps. I checked two websites that I use regularly and … Continue reading Accessibility →
Diversity (Thing 5)
In my opinion, diversity matters on the Internet as much as in real life. It is important that gender and ethnicities are represented. This is why I believe that the introduction of diversified emojis on social media platforms is valid. The implementation might still be improved but the emojis raise awareness for diversity. Now, more … Continue reading Diversity (Thing 5) →
Thing 5: Diversity – How to represent others and myself “correctly” in the Digital Cosmos
Hello and welcome back to the Digital Cosmos & I! Emojis. Every student my age knows and used them on an everday basis while sending and typing text messages to family and friends. Over the years, smart phone providers like Apple introduced emojis of almost every skin colour / race to achieve a representation of … Continue reading Thing 5: Diversity – How to represent others and myself “correctly” in the Digital Cosmos