I don’t know about you, but I’m fairly reliant upon my smartphone. Communication device, calendar, GPS, camera…the only thing it can’t do (yet) is make me a coffee.(Although it can order and pay for one from my favourite café before I even enter the shop!) Technology is great, but just how much of our personal …
Tag: digital security
Thing 3
Thing 3 from the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge Course.
Thing 4: Digital Security
This was a worthwhile and long overdue exercise. I was quite pleased with my permissions settings on my device – only one app had been given unneccessary permissions. This was a game my son had installed. I downloaded the My Permissions app through the Apple Store and was surprised to find that three apps had […]
Digital Security
I use my Smartphone on a daily basis. Every morning, I check my Facebook and Instagram profiles and look into Snapchat. I also read some news and write my friends or my family on WhatsApp throughout the day. I try to limit the number of apps that I use because I don’t really need much … Continue reading Digital Security →
Thing 4: Digital Security
Overall the apps on my phone request access to reasonable functions like camera, microphone, photo gallery and such. Not many surprises out there. Because I already shut down every feature I do not wish them to have access to. Only one thing – the local recently downloaded bus tracking app reads my contact information, which…
Thing 4 – Digital Security
Write a short blog post on what you found/did not find being shared by your apps. I’m afraid I wasn’t able to complete this as my phone is too old (Android version 2.3.5). I’ll bear it in mind for when I eventually forced to buy a replacement. I have set a PIN and made a… Continue reading Thing 4 – Digital Security →
Digital Security & About Me
The 23Things Thing was to do with the security settings on smartphones. I think I’m probably OK on that front as I keep most things locked down. Call me paranoid, but I don’t generally advertise my whereabouts. If an app doesn’t need access to photos/mic/camera/location, why would I let it have access? More to the […]
Digital Security & About Me
The 23Things Thing was to do with the security settings on smartphones. I think I’m probably OK on that front as I keep most things locked down. Call me paranoid, but I don’t generally advertise my whereabouts. If an app doesn’t need access to photos/mic/camera/location, why would I let it have access? More to the […]
Thing 3 & 4: Digital Footprint and Digital Security
What is a digital footprint? It’s the data you leave behind when you go online. It’s what you’ve said, what others have said about you, where you’ve been, images you’re tagged in, personal information, social media profiles, and much more.