Thing 19: Altmetrics

Citations, as I tell students in academic skills workshops, are a way to acknowledge where their information comes from. Any direct quotes; paraphrases or summaries, theories or arguments (or even viewpoints); or statistics, case studies, diagrams, etc; that they did not make themselves must be followed with a reference to the source of that work.… Read more Thing 19: Altmetrics

Thing 19: Altmetrics

Thing 3 – Digital Footprints

Ok, I’m back… after a long hiatus. On to digital footprints. I remember doing this way back when I first started the 23 things to Digital Knowledge journey and the results were not as good. I have been in my position for a couple years now, which requires a digital presence, so I guess the […]

Thing 3 – Digital Footprints

Thing 8 – Facebook

Around the world more than 1.62 billion people log onto the social media platform Facebook on a daily basis (I have to admit to being one of those Facebook fans), and  5 new Facebook profiles are created every second (Zephoria Digital Marketing, October 2019).  Thing 8 explores some aspects of this highly popular social media …

Continue reading Thing 8 – Facebook

Thing 8 – Facebook

Thing 3

Thing 3 from the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge Course.

Thing 3

Thing 3 – Digital Footprint

I didn’t find much about myself on Google and DuckDuckGo, but what I did find was terribly out of date. My LinkedIn profile picture was an inappropriate professional choice and the information old and not a reflection of my current professional role. I’ve reviewed my platform privacy settings as a result of this module, and […]

Thing 3 – Digital Footprint

Thing 7: Twitter

Chirp chirp, chirp chirp! Oh wait, not that kind of twittering. Other than the six months where I worked for the Leeds Humanities Research Institute as an administrative intern, I have never used twitter, though I occasionally gawk at the feeds of others. I will be following the strand of this post for those who… Read more Thing 7: Twitter

Thing 7: Twitter

Thing 3

When I started with Thing 3: Digital Footprint I already knew what a digital Footprint is. That’s why I  had … Mehr

Thing 3