Gamification is a part of life and learning online. Adding elements of game-playing, such as earning rewards, competing with others, tracking progress, and exploring stories, to non-game situations, can make education more engaging and interactive. Thing 21 asks us to explore the work of online educational games, by choosing two from a list and interacting… Read more Thing 21: Online Games and Learning Tools
Tag: digital footprint
Thing 19: Altmetrics
Citations, as I tell students in academic skills workshops, are a way to acknowledge where their information comes from. Any direct quotes; paraphrases or summaries, theories or arguments (or even viewpoints); or statistics, case studies, diagrams, etc; that they did not make themselves must be followed with a reference to the source of that work.… Read more Thing 19: Altmetrics
Thing 15: Digital Curation
Before I became a librarian, I had never heard the phrase library jargon. Now it’s something I think about whenever I’m preparing to teach or talk about pedagogy. Unfamiliar or overly specific language can be a barrier for students but it’s tricky to know what to use instead. Is ‘online archive’ clearer for students than… Read more Thing 15: Digital Curation
Thing 3 – Digital Footprints
Ok, I’m back… after a long hiatus. On to digital footprints. I remember doing this way back when I first started the 23 things to Digital Knowledge journey and the results were not as good. I have been in my position for a couple years now, which requires a digital presence, so I guess the […]
Thing 8 – Facebook
Around the world more than 1.62 billion people log onto the social media platform Facebook on a daily basis (I have to admit to being one of those Facebook fans), and 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second (Zephoria Digital Marketing, October 2019). Thing 8 explores some aspects of this highly popular social media …
Thing 4 – Digital Security
I don’t know about you, but I’m fairly reliant upon my smartphone. Communication device, calendar, GPS, camera…the only thing it can’t do (yet) is make me a coffee.(Although it can order and pay for one from my favourite café before I even enter the shop!) Technology is great, but just how much of our personal …
Thing 3
Thing 3 from the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge Course.
Thing 3 – Digital Footprint
I didn’t find much about myself on Google and DuckDuckGo, but what I did find was terribly out of date. My LinkedIn profile picture was an inappropriate professional choice and the information old and not a reflection of my current professional role. I’ve reviewed my platform privacy settings as a result of this module, and […]
Thing 7: Twitter
Chirp chirp, chirp chirp! Oh wait, not that kind of twittering. Other than the six months where I worked for the Leeds Humanities Research Institute as an administrative intern, I have never used twitter, though I occasionally gawk at the feeds of others. I will be following the strand of this post for those who… Read more Thing 7: Twitter
Thing 3 – Digital Footprint
This week’s topic introduces the idea of the digital footprint, i.e. the traces of an online presence one leaves behind. These can be traces the owner of the footprint leaves themselves (writings, social media posts, and so on) as well as traces left by the presence in the online activities of others (tagging in posts,… Read more Thing 3 – Digital Footprint
Footprints in the mud
What could be worse than someone finding and reading an old diary from your more angry, less self aware youth? I wonder about the stupid arguments I’ve had with strangers on social media because I’ve had too much coffee and not enough to do at the time. Will my potty mouth on Twitter be used … Continue reading Footprints in the mud →