23 (digital) Things – The inception post

Thing 2 – Blogging In the interests of kick-starting my professional development for 2020, and re-invigorating this blog, I have signed up to The University of Edinburgh’s 23 Things program (http://www.23things-archive.is.ed.ac.uk/). The aim of this program is to explore digital technologies, concepts and ways of working that are integral to operating safely and effectively in … Continue reading 23 (digital) Things – The inception post

23 (digital) Things – The inception post

Digital Knowledge: Thing 2 – Blogging

Onto Thing 2! Oh the joy of MOOCs at the start!

I don’t have access to Lynda.com but this is the second time in a week that I’ve heard about it. I must pass it onto our team for continuing personal and professional development (CPPD).

I hope to brush up on existing skills and learn some new ones which I may use personally or use immediately in a work context or ponder for a while so that I can use it in a year’s time in a work context.

Thing 2: Blogging 
I like blogging and have a few different blogs on the go although I’m better at contributing to The River-side, my work blog, than I am to any of the three personal ones I have! Oops!

I’ve blogged about:
What I’ve seen or done is a way of incorporating reflective practice into my professional life https://thoughtswalkerabroad.wordpress.com/ 

Events in order to help me remember them more clearly in the future

I also blog as a way to test out different apps and I give myself 30 days to try the app! http://cloudwalkerabroad.tumblr.com/

Blogging Platforms 
I’ve had this blog on Blogger for quite a while but I use Wordpress at work and the Tumblr guide would have been very handy when I started that blog!

I knew I’d heard of PebblePad before but couldn’t remember when. A search for UCC and PebblePad on what but Google brought me to a news item for its use with the School of Pharmacy. Last year one of my group had described its use on an online forum for the course on teaching & learning in higher education.

Some browsing on the pages for it on the University of Edinburgh website made me wonder how it could be adapted for modules that use Special Collections or for staff as a way to track their own courses. Hmm!
“Use PebblePad in facilitated teaching, learning, and personal development contexts. As the facilitator, you can create custom resources for learners to use and submit for your feedback. You can promote continual engagement from learners by releasing new content at set times – and learners’ additions and changes will filter through to you until the date and time you choose.”

Plenty of things to consider for how it may be used!

One more thing to go back to the CPPD team!

Digital Knowledge: Thing 2 – Blogging

Digital Knowledge: Thing 2 – Blogging

Onto Thing 2! Oh the joy of MOOCs at the start!

I don’t have access to Lynda.com but this is the second time in a week that I’ve heard about it. I must pass it onto our team for continuing personal and professional development (CPPD).

I hope to brush up on existing skills and learn some new ones which I may use personally or use immediately in a work context or ponder for a while so that I can use it in a year’s time in a work context.

Thing 2: Blogging 
I like blogging and have a few different blogs on the go although I’m better at contributing to The River-side, my work blog, than I am to any of the three personal ones I have! Oops!

I’ve blogged about:
What I’ve seen or done is a way of incorporating reflective practice into my professional life https://thoughtswalkerabroad.wordpress.com/ 

Events in order to help me remember them more clearly in the future

I also blog as a way to test out different apps and I give myself 30 days to try the app! http://cloudwalkerabroad.tumblr.com/

Blogging Platforms 
I’ve had this blog on Blogger for quite a while but I use Wordpress at work and the Tumblr guide would have been very handy when I started that blog!

I knew I’d heard of PebblePad before but couldn’t remember when. A search for UCC and PebblePad on what but Google brought me to a news item for its use with the School of Pharmacy. Last year one of my group had described its use on an online forum for the course on teaching & learning in higher education.

Some browsing on the pages for it on the University of Edinburgh website made me wonder how it could be adapted for modules that use Special Collections or for staff as a way to track their own courses. Hmm!
“Use PebblePad in facilitated teaching, learning, and personal development contexts. As the facilitator, you can create custom resources for learners to use and submit for your feedback. You can promote continual engagement from learners by releasing new content at set times – and learners’ additions and changes will filter through to you until the date and time you choose.”

Plenty of things to consider for how it may be used!

One more thing to go back to the CPPD team!

Digital Knowledge: Thing 2 – Blogging

Week One: Thing 2

Getting started on 23 Things So, this is the third MOOC I have started. The first one was on responsive web design, with a creative recruitment agency called Aquent. The second was on peace building, with the African Virtual University. Unfortunately – as can be pretty customary with these things – I didn’t manage to … Continue reading “Week One: Thing 2”

Week One: Thing 2