Augmented Reality technology provides a way of interacting with the real world in an environment that has been digitally altered or enhanced using, for example, overlays of colour or digital imagery added to an existing view. Virtual Reality is a simulation of a real-world environment or 3D model that the user can immerse themselves in …
Tag: augmented reality
Augmented ‘reality’?
The year is 2016, groups of youths gather menacingly in public places. What are they up to? Dealing? Scheming? Plotting to overthrow Boomers once and for all? Actually, they are catching cartoon ‘animals’ on their smartphones. Yes Pokemon Go famously got youths out into the great outdoors… to stare at their screens and ignore the … Continue reading Augmented ‘reality’? →
Augmented Reality: Thing 18 of 23
Or How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Pokemon Go:Wow. Where to start here….So I was one of the crazy people who played Ingress, the precursor to Pokemon Go. It was a fun game about taking bases, supporting your “team” and walking about a lot….
Thing 18 : Augmented Reality
I am quite familiar with the augmented reality applications, but one that I used extensively in the past is the Pokemon Go.
Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality
Between 1990 and 1992, I took a Media Studies A Level course at a Cardiff tertiary college. I learned about media ownership and news values, the history of radio, how television signals are produced, and got to try my hand at some practical media production too. My final extended essay was on the rise of … Continue reading “Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality”
Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality As recommended for this week I tried InCell – a game where you are miniaturised into the micro world of human cell and must race stop the advance of a virus in your patient. I was able to use this during a team coffee break using the VR googles we have in the office. … Continue reading Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality →
Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality
The one thing I’m going to miss when my part of the organisation moves to a new location in a few weeks’ time is the goodies that are handed out by advertisers at the top of Waverley Steps on Princes Street. Over the years I’ve received free drinks, magazines, samples of all sorts, a Letts’ […]
Thing 17 & 18 : Geolocation Tools, Augmented/Virtual Reality
Geolocation is the process of identifying the location of a device by means of information processed via the Internet. Augmented reality (AR) is a live view of a real-world environment which is overlaid with computer generated virtual imagery. Let try these out and have some fun.