Thing 19: Altmetrics

Citations, as I tell students in academic skills workshops, are a way to acknowledge where their information comes from. Any direct quotes; paraphrases or summaries, theories or arguments (or even viewpoints); or statistics, case studies, diagrams, etc; that they did not make themselves must be followed with a reference to the source of that work.… Read more Thing 19: Altmetrics

Thing 19: Altmetrics

Thing 19- Altmetrics

Altmetrics are a way to measure the impact and reach of scholarly and scientific papers using metrics and qualitative data  There are a number of impact methods or measures commonly available to use. For this ‘thing’ I explored Altmetric a plugin that can be added to your bookmarks bar, which examines how much online attention …

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Thing 19- Altmetrics

Thing 19: Altmetrics

Here it is – the Altmetrics of the article I’m interested in. And by clicking on the Altmetric Donut, there are even more interesting results – The demographics show that where are the audience and shares from, and how much people are there. Whereas the “Mentioned By” category at the below, states that how much…

Thing 19: Altmetrics

Altmetrics: Thing 19 of 23

Gods! I am so close now I can almost taste victory.So today I was looking into Altmetrics. It’s an interesting tool for looking at engagement with scientific journals and articles. I picked something contemporary and relating to my work.Nature: Regulat…

Altmetrics: Thing 19 of 23

Thing 19: Altmetrics

This is a cross-post between WordPress and Medium. I’ve been writing for more years than I can remember – spanning all sorts of things, from song lyrics and travel writing to technical instructions and book forewords. I’ve yet to complete a full length book, but I did manage to hit a different achievement this year, … Continue reading “Thing 19: Altmetrics”

Thing 19: Altmetrics

Thing 19: Altmetrics

I installed the Altmetric Bookmarklet  (which is really simple to install and use). Then I explored a few publications in my area of learning technology. It was sad to see some very low altmetric scores – it made me think how comparatively easy it would be to increase these with a few well placed tweets. After … Continue reading Thing 19: Altmetrics

Thing 19: Altmetrics

Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 19: Altmetrics

This week we are being asked to look at Altmetrics. I have heard about this in recent weeks, so it was a good exercise to install the app in the browser and test it out. I found an article from Nature: and clicked on the Altmetric it bookmarklet, which resulted in this page: I like […]

Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 19: Altmetrics