Happy New Year

Today I have been looking at inspiring acting quotes on Tumblr: “Why sit around and say, ‘I’d like to do something?’ You’ve just gotta do it. You might fail at first, but your failures are what are going to allow you to move onto success.” Joel Edgerton https://actingref-for-actorsandanimators.tumblr.com/ Speaking of failure, this background artist’s handiwork … Continue reading Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Gen Z

“80% of 13–20-year-olds, or “Gen Z”, believe that gender did not define a person as much as it used to… and only 44% always bought clothes designed for their own gender” https://uxdesign.cc/designing-forms-for-gender-diversity-and-inclusion-d8194cf1f51 I wish I could remember what I was buying online, something innocuous like a toaster, and when I went to fill in the … Continue reading Gen Z

Gen Z


During an exercise that seemed like a serious bit of work but felt a lot like procrastination I checked the app permissions on my phone. Like all of life’s great mysteries the more I probed the more I developed questions rather than answers: Why are 21 out of 45 apps using my camera? Why do … Continue reading App-alling


The Journey Begins

It’s been in my mind for quite some time to create a website, having navigated the choppy waters of Twitter and the high seas of YouTube with some success. So when a colleague introduced me to Edinburgh University’s 23Things, the starts aligned. Welcome to hopefully the first of many blog posts. Can’t wait to fill in … Continue reading The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins