I am amazed at all of the different projects and range of web sites which are covered by Wikimedia. I was already aware of Wikipedia, however my jaw dropped when I discovered that Wikimedia also deliver a wide variety of content in the form of e-books, languages, world news, travel, images, university resources, and animalContinue reading “Wikimedia – Thing 10”
Category: #thing10
Wikimedia and Open Knowledge Sharing (23 Things – Thing 10)
I will admit, I do not use Wikipedia very often. Within academia it is not seen as a valid source for information. However, day to day knowledge when I’m curious about something, I will use it to find out an artists history or where a food originated from. Thing 10 Read more…
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Thing 10 Wikimedia
To complete this ‘Thing’ I completed the Wikipedia adventure and explored Wikimedia. I have a much better understanding of what Wikipedia is and how it works. Before completing this task I was highly scepti…
The Wikipedia Adventure
I went through the full 1 hour of The Wikipedia Adventure I found it fascinating and learnt a lot. The game is very simple to use and gives you clear instructions on how to contribute to pages and make a difference to the information people search and view. I had always wondered what was involved in … Continue reading The Wikipedia Adventure →
Creating knowledge with Thing 10: Wikipedia explorations
After a week-long break from the 23 Things course, I’m picking back up with Thing 10. Prior to heading to the AECT convention, I went through the Wikipedia Adventure and learned the basics of editing articles. It was quite fun to play and broke down the steps into smaller pieces. Participating in Wikipedia Edit-a-thons seems […]
things can only get beta
Back in the days of Web 2.0 we used to describe things as ‘perpetualy beta‘. For me this perfectly describes Wikipedia. It’ll never be finished: we must add to, and improve it, early and often. Users are co-developers and it’s developed under open source principles of collective intelligence. Wikipedia/Wikimedia are Thing 10 in our ‘23 …
Rud 10: Live Streaming
I’ve used streaming for conferences and I’ve been conscious that streaming has occured at conferences where I’ve presented. I imagine sports players are in the same situation but if they watch themselves on playback every week maybe they’re more desens…
Rud 10: Live Streaming
I’ve used streaming for conferences and I’ve been conscious that streaming has occured at conferences where I’ve presented. I imagine sports players are in the same situation but if they watch themselves on playback every week maybe they’re more desens…