Thing 14: Audio

I chose SoundCloud for Thing 14. I’ve known SoundCloud for a long time, but I barely use it and thought it only had music. Apparently, it has some content on education. I was randomly searching for ‘Edinburgh University’, I came across a Podcast: Are The Kids Alright? How society treats its young people from College of  Arts,… Continue Reading →

Thing 14: Audio

Thing 13: Video

I chose Vimeo for Thing 13. I really like After The ICU by Riley Thompson. This video explains what critically ill patients may experience after the hospital admission. I came across this video from a blog written by a former ICU patient. To be honest, I tried to look for the licence information on the video,… Continue Reading →

Thing 13: Video

Thing 11: Copyright

Copyright is an issue that is of importance to me, particularly if I want to use some images for my blog posts or pictures for oral presentation or tutorial slides. Pixabay is one of my favourite sites for good quality free images. When I was preparing my study leaflet and poster, I bought some Royalty… Continue Reading →

Thing 11: Copyright

23 Things – Thing 20 – Professional Social Networks: LinkedIn

For ‘Thing 20’, Professional Social Networks, LinkedIn was the most relevant to me as a non-academic & non-scientist. I have had a LinkedIn account for quite a few years now and have used it to varying degrees over the years. As with other forms of social media I must admit to being more of a … Continue reading 23 Things – Thing 20 – Professional Social Networks: LinkedIn

23 Things – Thing 20 – Professional Social Networks: LinkedIn