The list of 23 things covered a wide range of topics. Many of the topics covered material I was familiar with, but there were many surprises for me. Thing 6 reminded me that online content should be accessible to all (as someone who has no a…
Author: Steve
Thing 22 – Fun and Play
I’ve neglected to post my creations to the blog, because of the embarrassment factor … These apps are frivolous by nature and are best used to lighten the mood in teaching and learning or as a team or family building exercise ( I have often been…
Thing 21: Online Games and Learning Tools
The first game I played was from the National Museum of Scotland and it was called Monkey Business Lunch. It involved three different primates, and you had to drag and drop the correct fruit into the mouth of the primate when the particular prima…
Thing 18: Augmented /Virtual Reality
A number of years ago, I had been a participant in CARRS QUT research using an advanced driving simulator and I lasted a few seconds before I become dizzy and disoriented and had to stop. So, I was unable to participate in the Virtual Reality segm…
Thing 20 – Professional Social Networks
Because my employment is as a Resource Librarian and not as a researcher, the most relevant of the three Professional Social Networks is LinkedIn. I had not looked at LinkedIn for a number of years, having cancelled my involvement on a previous oc…
Thing 19 – Altmetrics
I found an article called “The geographical distribution of fossil fuels unused when limiting global warming to 2 °C”. The Altmetric results showed 2964 views. The two biggest contributors to that number are the Citations (919) and the tweets (14…
Thing 17 Geocaching
I’m doing this at work, and while I did download the Geocaching app, unfortunately there were no geocaches close to me – and I’m not quite sure that my supervisor would approve of me going off campus to search for a geocache ….. The application…
Thing 16
In our section of the library, we use OneNote for many different tasks. We use it to advise staff of rostered tasks. We also use it for taking meeting notes. When our Library implemented a new Library Services Platform, we were able to use the section …
Thing 15
I must admit to having never used tumblr before. However it didn’t take me long to find a number of very interesting sites that have nostalgic photos of NYC. A couple of these excellent sites are…
Thing 14
Here in Australia, the national broadcaster ABC has an app which is easily downloadable onto your iphone or android, called ABC Listen. It contains a very wide range and number of recorded programs from most ABC radio stations, including music, co…
Thing 13
For my investigations I chose Youtube. I found that it was easy to navigate and to create a playlist, although I needed to create a channel before I could create a playlist. There didn’t seem to be any way that I could download a video to another …
Thing 12
After a bit of searching I found a introductory Library Science textbook from within the OER Commons. It is called “Introduction to Library and information science” and can be found at…