September has been a big month for researcher development at Edinburgh. Last week the response of the Concordat Steering Group to the Concordat Review was published. This week we have started the recruitment process* for our Inclusion Matters project (*don’t get too excited yet – but we hope to have the adverts open by … Continue reading Taking Control of Your Career
Author: Sara Shinton
Learning outside the (IAD) box
I had a meeting with a post-doc this morning and we were talking about her career and the next steps to take. Earlier in the week I’d been working with another postdoc on a fellowship application which needed to include a professional development plan and in both cases the training that we offer in IAD, … Continue reading Learning outside the (IAD) box
Shut Up and Wrote
This is a quick blog at the end of a self-imposed exile to the Borders to get a few key bits of writing done ahead of my holiday. I used the principles at the heart of our writing retreats but used twitter to replace the colleagues who are usually in the room with me when … Continue reading Shut Up and Wrote
Criteria to collaborate
Last week two ideas collided in my head. One of the upsides of a busy schedule is that I’m constantly hopping from topic to topic under the very broad umbrella of researcher development. The two big ideas that came together were mental health and collaboration. The mental health element came from the conference I co-organised … Continue reading Criteria to collaborate
Buy-in from the Busy
In the last post I started exploring the idea of getting others to help with your career development before diverting into a post about how to say no. To return to my initial theme, what are the questions we should have in mind if we are to convince someone to invest some time in our … Continue reading Buy-in from the Busy
Do I really want to do this?
I’ve been speaking at a few events recently, many connected with the Ingenious Women programme which we’ve got Scottish Government Can Do funding to run for Scottish STEM researchers. This means I’m talking a fair bit about how to make the most of your network and use it for help and opportunities. In a talk … Continue reading Do I really want to do this?