Thing 7 – Twitter

I completed this Thing as a beginner. The first thing I learned was that I had set up a Twitter account in November 2010 and had not posted a single tweet! I still haven’t and I’m not sure that I ever will. I find the application intuitive and very easy to use – it is […]

Thing 7 – Twitter

Thing 6 – Accessibility

Years ago my husband and I started a little import business and built our website from scratch. We spent hours planning the content and working on our site.  The topic of accessibility was an eye opener for me.  I learned many things but mainly I learned how uninformed and ignorant I was about the range […]

Thing 6 – Accessibility

Thing 5 – Diversity

I have enjoyed using emoji’s since they were introduced and had no idea of the hidden meaning behind some of them.  To me a peach is a peach! The use of emoji’s make messages more personal and I think everyone should be able to choose emoji’s which are representative of their person, culture and beliefs.  […]

Thing 5 – Diversity

Thing 4: Digital Security

This was a worthwhile and long overdue exercise. I was quite pleased with my permissions settings on my device – only one app had been given unneccessary permissions.  This was a game my son had installed. I downloaded the My Permissions app through the Apple Store and was surprised to find that three apps had […]

Thing 4: Digital Security

Thing 3 – Digital Footprint

I didn’t find much about myself on Google and DuckDuckGo, but what I did find was terribly out of date. My LinkedIn profile picture was an inappropriate professional choice and the information old and not a reflection of my current professional role. I’ve reviewed my platform privacy settings as a result of this module, and […]

Thing 3 – Digital Footprint

Thing 2 – Create a Blog

I set out to complete this programme towards my continuing professional development and I will definitely tick that box, but since starting the programme and building this blog I have become excited about the opportunity to become much more familiar with the social media platforms my children use so that I can have some fun […]

Thing 2 – Create a Blog


I’ve always thought of myself as tech-savvy, but recently I realised that I have become that person who calls on her 7-or-15 year olds to connect Netflix to chromecast! They are both using words and apps I don’t understand. I’m become out of touch. So, thank you University of Edinburgh for this opportunity to upskill […]
