The 23 Things for Digital Knowledge program has been a great adventure. My favourite sections were: Thing 3 – Digital Footprint, Thing 4 – Digital Security and Thing 10 – Wikimedia. Wikimedia was perhaps the most helpful section. I had taken a Wikipedia workshop for UofE staff before, but the Wikipedia Adventure gave me a more in-depth understanding … Continue reading Thing 23: Reflection
Author: madl7439
Thing 22: Fun, Play, and Create
I used Snapchat to remix some art. I thought these portraits could use some more colour! Please excuse the screenshots, I cannot upload the video to WordPress. I had not used the app in a couple of years, but it was easy enough. I mostly like the option to edit photos after with stickers … Continue reading Thing 22: Fun, Play, and Create
Thing 21: Online Games and Learning
I really like the simplicity of Kahoots. It looks like it would be a great resource for teachers because of its ease of use and GeoGebra would have been very helpful when I was studying maths! I was really impressed with the variety of games on the … Continue reading Thing 21: Online Games and Learning
Thing 20: Professional Social Networks
I have used LinkedIn, and ResearchGate before. was very helpful when I was in school. I could use it to find more articles on a particular subject, read work by my professors and even look at what topics within my interests were already being researched. LinkedIn has been very helpful in my professional life. … Continue reading Thing 20: Professional Social Networks
Thing 19: Altmetrics
I like how easy it is to read the altmetrics bookmarklet and the fact that the summary can be viewed in the corner of the article. However, I would not rely on the altmetrics. I find it quite untrustworthy and more than anything, something fun to satisfy curiosity or to lead you to more resources. … Continue reading Thing 19: Altmetrics
Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality I have not personally used Pokémon Go, but I have seen others use the app. I can see why it became a sensation. It is a more interactive version of a scavenger hunt for adults. It is pretty brilliant, but it also revealed a lot of holes in human attention spans and logic … Continue reading Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality →
Thing 17: Geolocation Tools
Unfortunately, many of the suggested apps would not work on my phone, but I was able to access the Curious Edinburgh app. I found the app very easy to use and I enjoyed the variety of tours. The write-ups were very informative and it was fascinating to see the vast amount of points of interest … Continue reading Thing 17: Geolocation Tools
Thing 16: OneNote and ClassNotebook
I really enjoyed exploring OneNote. I have relied on it heavily in the past. During my studies, I used OneNote to organise course lectures and readings. I had a laptop with a touch screen and I was able to markup readings in OneNote, adding handwritten notes and highlighting passages. I really liked the ability to … Continue reading Thing 16: OneNote and ClassNotebook →
Thing 15: Digital Curation
As part of Thing 15, I searched through Tumblr for library specific accounts. Two (active) accounts that stood out to me were the Bodleian Libraries and Turning the Book Wheel by the Smithsonian Libraries. The Bodleian Libraries Tumblr provides an insight into the work at the library from interesting collections finds to conservation work. … Continue reading Thing 15: Digital Curation →
Thing 14: Audio
I am very excited about this segment as I listen to podcasts daily! The accessibility of podcasts is what makes them brilliant. They are cheap to make, free to upload, and listeners can enjoy them at home, during their commute, as part of their exercise routine, and even at work. The vast range of subject … Continue reading Thing 14: Audio
Thing 13: Video
To complete Thing 13, I chose to explore Vimeo. I am very accustomed to YouTube and I have even been required to upload projects while at school as part of my university course. I have also used Media Hopper before for work. However, I have only used Vimeo once, to watch one of my favourite … Continue reading Thing 13: Video →
Thing 12: Open Educational Resources
Using OER Commons, I was able to find a brief course on how to use library resources at a university. Made up of videos and explanatory PDFs, it instructs the user on how to use the catalogue, databases and common citations. Although it is not the most up-to-date example of an OER, I chose it … Continue reading Thing 12: Open Educational Resources →