Interaktive Lernwelten gestalten – World Café am Forschungstag der DHBW, 5.2.2015, Stuttgart

Der Forschungstag bietet die Chance, verschiedene Themen in interdisziplinären Runden zu diskutieren.
Dieser Workshop bringt deshalb diejenigen zusammen, die sich mit den Forschungsbereichen Lernen in Unternehmen, Lernen in der Hochschule, Lernen in der Weiterbildung, Lernen mit Kindern & Jugendlichen beschäftigen. Sie können die Themen aus HR-Sicht, aus lerntheoretischer  Perspektive, mit lerntechnologischem Interesse als Forscher oder Praktiker […]

Interaktive Lernwelten gestalten – World Café am Forschungstag der DHBW, 5.2.2015, Stuttgart

World Café Methode – Kurze Einführung

Für das World Café werden mehrere Tische für 4-5 Personen bereitgestellt. Dort besprechen die Teilnehmenden 3-4 Fragen, je Tisch eine Frage. Die Gesprächsergebnisse werden auf den Tischen dokumentiert; die Tische sind mit Papiertischdecken oder Flipchert-Papier abgedeckt. Nach 15-20 Minuten wechseln die Teilnehmenden an einen anderen Tisch zu einer neuen Frage – ins Thema und die […]

World Café Methode – Kurze Einführung

Why are we here?

Last Thursday we had a house meeting – just like every Thursday. All volunteers get together with Johnson and it is a chance to bring up topics that need discussion.
Usually this means that Johnson puts one or two items on the agenda, talks about them, asks for feedback and doesn’t get any. Well, not much […]

Why are we here?

Back in Tanzania

We got a very warm welcome from Sadock, who picked us up at the airport on Saturday. Much appreciated, as I know how busy he is!
It is very different this time and it isn’t. It is slightly chilly in the mornings, warming up in the afternoons around 3pm. So far we only got a short […]

Back in Tanzania

Going back to Moshi

And before you know it, it’s time to pack the boxes and leave…
I am moving back to Germany next month. I managed to squeeze in 3 weeks in Moshi (Yeah!) with Foot2Afrika , before I start my new job. Preparations for both events keep me very busy, never mind wrapping up my research in Dublin, […]

Going back to Moshi

Thanks to all bakers, eaters and supporters

Thanks to the people who put in the work to provide us with the selection of home-made cakes; here is what you missed if you didn’t make it:

Polish Chocolate cake from Joana – BIG succes again
Lemon Cheesecake from Jie
Banoffi Pie from Evans
Linzer Torte
Marble cake
Chocolate brownies from Tony
Apple crumble cake
Paula’s special cake
Romanian Space cakes – […]

Thanks to all bakers, eaters and supporters

Piggy and the engineers at DCU

I have been canvassing among the engineers at DCU for a couple of days and so far we have come up with a fantastic 370€! There is still plenty of room on my fundraising card – feel free to talk to me at any time
Thanks a lot to all supporters: Tarik, […]

Piggy and the engineers at DCU

Things for Foot2Afrika projects

If you are in Germany or Ireland, preferably either near Stuttgart or Dublin:
we are putting together a number of things needed in some of the orphanages and nurseries in Moshi. We will take these things with us at the end of June.
Here is the list:

knitting needles & wool,
bed sheets,
writing pads,
nursery teaching […]

Things for Foot2Afrika projects

#oped12 Want to read more on OER?

There is a lot out there – particularly about OER Africa.
Here a list with some recent publications.

A special issue on Distance Education for Empowerment and Development in Africa including Catherine Ngugi’s paper on OER in Africa’s higher education institutions.
The Commonwealth of Learning and UNESCO have just published Open Educational Resources and Change in Higher Education
An […]

#oped12 Want to read more on OER?