I have never used Tumblr before. Was interesting to see how it was set out. It’s very similar to Blogging and Twitter combined. I explored a few topics on Tumblr and it came back with quite a bit of content. However, I don’t believe I would use this form of digital curation in future asContinue reading “Digital Curation – Thing 15”
Category: #thing15
Tumblr was really easy to navigate and took all of 0.978 seconds to locate an image of my favourite place in Edinburgh, Newhaven Harbour lighthouse. https://scotianostra.tumblr.com/post/617671079198130176/newhaven-harbour
Happy New Year
Today I have been looking at inspiring acting quotes on Tumblr: “Why sit around and say, ‘I’d like to do something?’ You’ve just gotta do it. You might fail at first, but your failures are what are going to allow you to move onto success.” Joel Edgerton https://actingref-for-actorsandanimators.tumblr.com/ Speaking of failure, this background artist’s handiwork … Continue reading Happy New Year →
Thing 15
Vine One of the social media sites that I used extensively while I was growing up was Vine. It was a video sharing platform that limited its content to six seconds looping video clips. Launched in 2012 the service had 200,000,000 users by 2015 and was popular amongst young people but was also used by … Continue reading Thing 15
Thing 15, Tumblr
http://get-educated.tumblr.com/post/59012407163/the-flipped-classroom-is-a-giant-buzzword-these https://assets.tumblr.com/post.js Perhaps I am rushing through this programme and therefore missing the point (well OK I am desperately trying to get this done during my christmas holidays despite being weeks behind) but I struggle to see real differences between a blog, a tumblr, and a storify. They all seem like just places where you post… Continue reading Thing 15, Tumblr
things to create, curate, collate
Creating a curated collection is one of my favourite passtimes. Selecting items from a larger collection and curating a subset for an exhibition or theme can amuse me for hours. Digital curation is Thing15 of our 23 Things. I do think this is one way in which discerning people can add value to the internet. …
Tumblr / Storify
As I have used Tumblr for many years now for my countless different obsessions (TV shows, films, books, sport) I attempted to make a story through Storify. I had trouble thinking of something to make a story about but eventually decided to make a story about a conference I attended back in late August. Its … Continue reading Tumblr / Storify →
Rud 15: Advocacy for Libraries
When it comes to advocacy I am a lurker. I don’t think I do enough. I see Ian Clark’s work and I think ‘wow.’ I’ve attended a day seminar where Lauren Smith spoke about her work and I thought ‘wow.’ I think no matter what I have to say it is nowhere ne…
Rud 15: Advocacy for Libraries
When it comes to advocacy I am a lurker. I don’t think I do enough. I see Ian Clark’s work and I think ‘wow.’ I’ve attended a day seminar where Lauren Smith spoke about her work and I thought ‘wow.’ I think no matter what I have to say it is nowhere ne…