Pony spotting

If you’ve watched all of my Youtube videos and STILL have nothing better to do, go to Google Hangouts, start a chat with anyone and type in /ponystream If it doesn’t make your mouth curl up at the sides just a tiny wee bit you are probably dead inside. I spotted a flaming pony, a … Continue reading Pony spotting

Pony spotting

Thing 9, Collaborate

Very excited about this one! Have just had an intimate Collaborate session with myself and can think of lots of great uses for this. Uploading files, chatting and polling were simplicity itself, although choosing the right settings when setting up the session would be key as I found that only one of me had any… Continue reading Thing 9, Collaborate

Thing 9, Collaborate

Collaborate Ultra

Unfortunately I was unable to join the live sessions a few weeks ago but have been able to explore Collaborate ultra through using it at work. I have been in the position of configuring sessions as well as being a student participating on a session. Overall the system seems fairly intuitive and easy to use. … Continue reading Collaborate Ultra

Collaborate Ultra