Thing 8. Facebook

The digital legacy page was interesting. It’s important to consider what will happen in the same way you prepare for the closing of other aspects of your life. Having had some of  my Facebook friends pass away over the  years I’ve w…

Thing 8. Facebook

Thing 8, Facebook.

Facebook is a sort-of irresistible  and multi-faceted siren demon in my life. Incredibly useful and efficient, devastatingly needy and time-munching, precariously dangerous (particularly late at night), unbearably annoying yet entirely indispensable. To maintain sanity during the working day I save Facebook exclusively for personal use. However, I did lead a study into student use of Facebook groups which is currently… Continue reading Thing 8, Facebook.

Thing 8, Facebook.


I have had a Facebook account for many many years and enjoy using it on a daily basis-mainly to keep in contact with family and friends as I have moved around the country over the years. Security settings on my Facebook profile is something I like to keep on track of and have a few … Continue reading Facebook
