
So I have had few weeks off but have been busy in other ways which I am going to explain in this short blog post.#23 ThingsBecause I had experience in blogging before I had left #Thing2 till nearer the end of the 23 things I have now finished this shor…



So I have had few weeks off but have been busy in other ways which I am going to explain in this short blog post.#23 ThingsBecause I had experience in blogging before I had left #Thing2 till nearer the end of the 23 things I have now finished this shor…


me thinking digitally footprint & security 3 & 4 of #23things

So where to start with this one!!! i guess explaining my past online…
I was just as much as a nightmare in real life for putting my foot in things as i was online & when things i didn’t understand i would seek out to understand.
In 2014 /2015 i was look after my gran in her own home around having health issues myself i found online to pass time & make new friends. little did i expect to then go on to do what i did.

It was the time of the Scotland Independence vote i got into the radio more as just didn’t believe half that we where being told i also thought social media was much the same so i set out to prove that myself.
I started a group with Facebook first to see if people joined & people where responding if they knew it was there it was all about health & well-being or trying to spot the fake from the real stories out there. Facebook was limiting reach and post and even sharing became too much like time wasting in my eyes.

I did try blogging but didn’t feel i had the skills to follow it through to anything of importance and have not paid for the domain for at least a year. Ironic i now doing this blog but at least have an idea what doing this time.

When Facebook was restricting posts due to censorship this worried me also that fine line between them. At the same time  i had people looking for my group but never wanted group public. this is when i decided a public page was needed for the group so it could be found but without compromising the free speech we already had in the group.
I did think i wouldn’t return to social care on my return to work and was also looking to find what was for me what i had to learn in my own development.
I slowly am going through old accounts. I have mainly been aware of my online presence for good many years and feel i have OK working practice and the more i find out and learn from others this can only improve.
One thing i am grateful for was that not long after my return to work my company had resent out social media policy and i have been trying to live by this policy. Which is much the same as the one.

I also continue to work towards good digital practices for my own development but also working practice

I currently working through #SSSC23Things and finding good resources through material mentioned in this blog
I found many friends along the way  and do still realize the importance of social media and its place. But also the pitfalls with sharing posting and commenting and think about this for each time. data sharing and privacy and security.
I work best when i have people i trust around me but doesn’t mean just because you don’t know someone that they can’t help through whatever reason my experience is ask the right person provide answers.
I have accounts for only work now so can not be so easily compromised also have new twitter account to follow sssc & work life. And also review my own online activities often. I will also talk over with my company about work online & social network practices.
Looking forward in these 23 things I have attached thoughts with info graph and worked through recourse I feel once I know how to use these programs it will be much easier feel I get tied in knots looking at what easiest way to do things while being effective with my time.
looking at above digital self assessment i feel 
  1. digital Capability – the extent to which you feel you have a broad range of digital capabilities and skills. 
I am better on handheld devices myself although continue my learning on PC & security of information & data and working through the #23things resources i am finding more out as i go.

I have knowledge of my companies DMS system and also more recently had a mobile phone for my work purposes so feel more i use and engage with IT will learn more. I also intend to buy a laptop to continue these badges & learning PC.

2.Confidence – the extent to which you feel you have the confidence to apply your digital capabilities
If i know something can be done i will but due to not always knowing the programs and systems this holds me back from doing without getting feedback or direction. But at the same time i am willing to give it a try but within privacy and data considerations. Once shown i am confident to carry out and seek advice if required to get it right. But can be more time consuming i hope this gets better through my continued learning. 
3. Relevance – the extent to which you feel that your digital capabilities are relevant to your current role
I see this as the best way of quick communication between staff and agencies & how important it is to have all the facts to look at before any course of action. risk assessments care planning or cross 3rd party agencies communication  for continuity within care sector.  I had dms knowledge in previous post but more done handheld in current post. i feel confident that can help staff as the start to use handheld devices within workplace & happy to help anyone unsure what to do while still developing my own skills on PC.
I watched video for this #Things23 digital and worked through below thinking of my own practices. and looking at settings i also added VPN to my own device and intend to use more.
for #23Things number 4 digital security 
I have already uninstalled a few apps and going to delete more in coming days i also going to wipe device and restart with only programs & apps needed. I also have turned off geo location on most of my accounts but looking to do more of this as time goes on and i remember old accounts. I also have a working VPN on my own phone. And will consult IT as and when things arise.

Bonus thing A

I am looking at setting up an about me account i will need to get a recent picture for all profiles but can’t set up without it on aboutme site but this will be my next step as my work linked in profile also needs a picture. I hate selfies and pictures of myself so dragging my heels slightly on this one!!! But will get done and add to this blog both about me & linked in accounts.
me thinking digitally footprint & security 3 & 4 of #23things

Things 13 & 14 video & audio

So for Thing 13 my choice was to use YouTube to find a relevant video. I am also picking this topic as I feel I work most effectively within this service group although have & do work in other fields.The first video is from The National Autistic So…

Things 13 & 14 video & audio

Things 13 & 14 video & audio

So for Thing 13 my choice was to use YouTube to find a relevant video. I am also picking this topic as I feel I work most effectively within this service group although have & do work in other fields.The first video is from The National Autistic So…

Things 13 & 14 video & audio