This last task, we have been asked to reflect on the course as a whiole. As I come to the end of this 23Things course, which I have done mainly on Saturdays and Sundays when I’ve been at home, I’ve really enjoyed thinking about and exploring various new tools and things I wanted to try for […]
Category: open
Week 12 of 23 Things – Thing 22: Fun and Play
So it’s the last week of 23Things and this week we are asked to try out fun and playful apps. So I decided to signup for Snap chat, I hear it’s what all the young people are into nowadays. I have to say, maybe because I’m not quite the demographic of this app, but I […]
Week 11 of 23 Things – Thing 21: Online Games and Learning
Games in education is nothing new, teachers have been using paper, card, glue etc and creating many games, but what I liked about both Kahoot and National Museum of Scotland Games (Wind Farm) I played today was how many quick and easy platforms are half-ready for teachers to pick, adapt and use in the classroom with […]
Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 19: Altmetrics
This week we are being asked to look at Altmetrics. I have heard about this in recent weeks, so it was a good exercise to install the app in the browser and test it out. I found an article from Nature: and clicked on the Altmetric it bookmarklet, which resulted in this page: I like […]
Week 9 of 23 Things – Thing 17: Geolocation Tools
I have to say I had not really explored the possibilities of Geolocation tools. Essentially we all have a GPS enabled device in our pocket (or and it’s a Computer more powerful than what they used to send man on the moon!), your mobile phone! This GPS location, accurate information can be used to play […]
23 Things: Thing 11 & 12 Copyright and OER
First of all a confession – I can get quite emotional about copyright and licensing :’} So emotional in fact that Jane Secker’s ALT Conference keynote Copyright and e-learning: understanding our privileges and freedoms actually brought a wee tear to my eye. You might think I’m making this up but it’s true, and the reason why is that […]
Week 8 of 23 Things – Thing 16: OneNote
I used to be a very big user of Evernote, but recently due to Evernote changes, I migrated my notes to OneNote. For a ‘free’ tool, it’s very good, I use it every day in meetings and at my desk at work, on my PC at home, on my phone and tablet as an App. […]
Week 8 of 23 Things – Thing 15: Storify
This week is a case of ‘money for old rope’ as the saying goes. I first used Storify in June, when I created my first one for the 8th Learning at City Conference (City University’s Annual Learning and Teaching Conference). I found it very easy to use, it’s a quick way to tell the story […]
Week 7 of 23 Things – Thing 14: Audio – Podcasts and SoundCloud
We have had sound since Radio back in the 1920s, the podcast is the modern equivalent of this, with the ability to listen in your own time to topics of interest to you. Something I have been listening to on and off is the EdTech Podcast by Sophie Bailey, this is one of the podcasts (on the […]
Week 7 of 23 Things – Thing 13: Video – YouTube, Vimeo, and Media Hopper
Looking at YouTube, there’s many great videos in my field of Learning Technology, but this video that is one of my favourites is entitled ‘RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms’. The video has a standard video licence which I did not know about in terms of reuse, which links to previous topics. The platform continues to […]
Week 5 of 23 Things – Thing 12: OER
Thing 12 asks us to ” Find an OER in your field and share it on your blog. To do this, use either the Edinburgh OERs, or the resources provided on the Open.Ed ‘Where to find OERs’ page.” There are many places to go for OERs, which was presented to us. So I found this […]
Week 4 of 23 Things – Thing 9: Google Hangouts / Collaborate Ultra
I experimented using Google Hangouts this week briefly and have used it in previous years for attending webinars, meeting of the Association for Learning Technology and even presenting at a conference in Ireland a few years ago. This technology has really come on in terms of usability and simplicity in set up and with Google […]