Thing 16: OneNote & ClassNotebook

I have no idea OneNote is able to do a lot of things – especially the Optical Character Recognition that is super useful – since I am used to Evernote and it offers pretty much the same features as OneNote. Plus there is little need to use external note-taking software or applications for me since…

Thing 16: OneNote & ClassNotebook

Thing 16: Notes

This is a cross-post between WordPress and Medium. Having come of age with computing at a time when Microsoft were seen as the big monopoly power (eg during the ‘first browser war‘), I have a muscle memory that makes me instinctively retice…

Thing 16: Notes

Thing 16: OneNote

I’ve moved to having a laptop as my main device at work and started to use OneNote for note taking recently. I like having all my notes in one place – it’s very similar conceptually to carrying round a paper notebook. I like that I no longer need to carry paper print outs to meetings.  I find … Continue reading Thing 16: OneNote

Thing 16: OneNote