Dominik Lukes, who organised the symposium, started us off with the attempt to assign a name and date to the following quote: think most of us were rather surprised to hear that Thomas Eddiso…
Category: lecture capture
Contemplating options
We’ve been acquiring new kit recently, all in the name of ‘lecture capture’. This serves as an umbrella term for all sorts of things, starting from straightforward lecture recording to ‘flipping the classroom’. The latter is still often used for …
Contemplating options
We’ve been acquiring new kit recently, all in the name of ‘lecture capture’. This serves as an umbrella term for all sorts of things, starting from straightforward lecture recording to ‘flipping the classroom’. The latter is still often used for …
Think Visual Course @BUFVC
The full title for this course on 20.11.2014 was Think Visual: video storytelling in education. It focussed very much on ‘being able to identify what makes good video for teaching and learning purposes’, and thanks to a good presenter from the Open Uni…
Think Visual Course @BUFVC
The full title for this course on 20.11.2014 was Think Visual: video storytelling in education. It focussed very much on ‘being able to identify what makes good video for teaching and learning purposes’, and thanks to a good presenter from the Open Uni…