All the following views in my short digifest21 review below are my own, and I also concede that views might be coloured by me having attended the ‘wrong’ sessions. Yes, I attended this year’s digifest, and – of course – it took place online. Even …
Category: Jisc
Wildfire, catapult, and daily routine
I’m still chewing on my observation that increasingly Learning Technologies are perceived to be part of ‘business as usual’ in learning and teaching at Universities these days. Lecturers and students are dutifully using a VLE, to a greater or lesser ex…
Wildfire, catapult, and daily routine
I’m still chewing on my observation that increasingly Learning Technologies are perceived to be part of ‘business as usual’ in learning and teaching at Universities these days. Lecturers and students are dutifully using a VLE, to a greater or lesser ex…