Geolocation is the process of locating a person or object using digital information, most commonly data from satellites combined with the Global Positioning System (or GPS). You might have a GPS system in your car to help you find your way around (mine often sends me on wild adventures…perhaps I need to learn to follow …
Category: geolocation
Thing 17: Geolocation Tools
Can’t live without a geolocation app on my phone these days, to be honest, and Google Maps is one of my best guide buddies. It is super useful for navigating to a new place. Although I don’t like to share my geolocation with apps in general, Google Maps is surprisingly helpful for retracing my steps and labelling…
Thing 17 : Geolocation
Todays technology really help us in a lot of ways. One thing that really help me everyday is the GPS technology embeded in my devices. I…
Thing 17: Geolocation
This is a cross-post between WordPress and Medium. There’s sort of these two polarising perspectives, right? Everything is great. The Internet has created all this freedom and liberty, and everything’s going to be fantastic. Or, everything’s terrible. The Internet has created all these tools for cracking down, and spying, and controlling what we say. The thing is, … Continue reading “Thing 17: Geolocation”
Thing 17 – Geolocation Tools
Geolocation is something I try to avoid! I generally don’t allow social media apps to advertise my location unless I choose to (for example by doing a Facebook check-in). The one aspect I do like of it, however, is the fact that my camera records the location of the photos I’ve taken. My phone does […]