menopause at work

I was delighted to be invited out to our beautiful Easter Bush Campus at Roslin this week to deliver a session on the hot topic of menopause. We talked about feeling the rage and laughed about losing your nouns. Thank you to everyone who came along. If you would like to organise a session like …

menopause at work

menopause at work

I was delighted to be invited out to our beautiful Easter Bush Campus at Roslin this week to deliver a session on the hot topic of menopause. We talked about feeling the rage and laughed about losing your nouns. Thank you to everyone who came along. If you would like to organise a session like …

menopause at work

Thing 6: Accessibility

How to make online content accessible is not something I know a lot about but increasingly comes up in my interactions with library users. Services to support our students and staff with disabilities are split across a few different areas of the university, so knowing more about web accessibility can help me anticipate and avoid… Read more Thing 6: Accessibility

Thing 6: Accessibility

Thing 5: Diversity

In this post, I will reflect on diversity and representation in online communication. The prompt for this post asks us to focus on this through the lens of emojis/emotions and the release of diverse emoji choices in 2015 by Apple and 2016 by Facebook. EMOJIS The initial controversy over the release of diverse emojis almost… Read more Thing 5: Diversity

Thing 5: Diversity

things we can name

My choice of platform for Thing13 of our 23things is Media Hopper. You may wonder why Media Hopper is called Media Hopper. You will know the following definitions of hopper: hopper ( agric) :  a container for a loose bulk material. hopper ( minecraft ):  a block that can be used to catch item entities, …

things we can name

things to include

I am participating in the University of Edinburgh digital skills course ‘23 things for digital knowledge‘. Thing 5 is  about diversity. As well as being one of the ISG change themes through which we are looking at our organisation and changing it to be fit for the future, equality and diversity is part of a …

things to include