Evil Auto Complete?


There are also evil women. I didn’t go looking for them either. This is what I type: “a-r-e w-o-m-e-n”. And Google offers me just two choices, the first of which is: “Are women evil?” I press return. Yes, they are. Every one of the 10 results “confirms” that they are, including the top one, from […]

Evil Auto Complete?

OneNote on 23 things


It is now Week Eight of 23 things and the topic is Digital Curation, OneNote and ClassNote Thing 15 is tumblr. I’ve been using tumblr for a few years now for all sorts of different projects, but I though I’d skip by that to the next thing, OneNote. Try using OneNote on your pc/laptop/device. Create […]

OneNote on 23 things

23 Things: 11 copyright


The weeks are flying by. I was hoping to backtrack on a few things this week but Week Six. Copyright, OERs and Creative Commons – 23 Things popped into my inbox and thing 11 is quite timely. Here and there I’ve blogged here about copyright quite a bit, but it is a constantly interesting subject. […]

23 Things: 11 copyright