The second day of the Canadian eLearning Conference is arranged as a series of concurrent sessions. They organized it by five streams, which I thought was really nice. It’s been a while since I’ve been to conferences, but sometimes I have trouble choosing sessions, so the themes helped with my decision-making. The streams were accessibility,…
Category: design
Looking back … and looking forward
24 December 2019 – nearly the end of the year … This morning, I heard on the radio that the Queen will look back to 2019 as a ‘bumpy year’. Who wouldn’t agree? Seems like we’re moving into bumpier times on an almost daily basis, looking at our future…
Week 12 of 23 Things – Thing 23: Reflection
This last task, we have been asked to reflect on the course as a whiole. As I come to the end of this 23Things course, which I have done mainly on Saturdays and Sundays when I’ve been at home, I’ve really enjoyed thinking about and exploring various new tools and things I wanted to try for […]
Thing 6 : Accessibility
I am half-colorblind, but I don’t really know what color that I am having trouble with.