23 Things Programme. First Post.

What is 23 things?

‘The University of Edinburgh’s 23 Things for Digital Knowledge is an award winning (LILAC Credo Digital Literacy Award 2017), self-directed course, run by Information Services Group.
Why do 23 things?
The programme aims to expose you to a range of digital tools for your personal and professional development as a researcher, academic, student, or professional. 
What is the aim of 23 things?
The aim is for you to spend a little time each week, building up and expanding your skills. 
How did 23 things start?
The University of Edinburgh’s ‘23 Things for Digital Knowledge’ is inspired by 23 Things Oxford and based on the original 23 Things program which ran at the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County in the USA in 2006′ – http://www.23things-archive.is.ed.ac.uk/faq/.
How did I find 23 things?
I found the 23 things program advertised by The Barr Smith Library (University of Adelaide) Facebook Page, flicked through the information, quickly signed up and this is my first blog!
What you hope to gain out of the 23 Things programme?
I hope to gain digital skills, knowledge and experience from the 23 Things programme to apply to my current and future studies at university.
Were you aware of the University’s Social Media Guidelines for Staff and Researchers or the student Social Media Student Handbook? No. 
What do you think of the guidelines/handbook?
I think the guidelines/handbook is informative especially the do’s and don’t’s for social media content and the material that can and cannot be commented on social media posts and the flowchart was very useful. 
Looking forward to the 23 things programme.
Have a great night,

23 Things Programme. First Post.