Thing 14: Audio

I chose SoundCloud for Thing 14. I’ve known SoundCloud for a long time, but I barely use it and thought it only had music. Apparently, it has some content on education. I was randomly searching for ‘Edinburgh University’, I came across a Podcast: Are The Kids Alright? How society treats its young people from College of  Arts,… Continue Reading →

Thing 14: Audio

Thing 13: Video

I chose Vimeo for Thing 13. I really like After The ICU by Riley Thompson. This video explains what critically ill patients may experience after the hospital admission. I came across this video from a blog written by a former ICU patient. To be honest, I tried to look for the licence information on the video,… Continue Reading →

Thing 13: Video

Thing 11: Copyright

Copyright is an issue that is of importance to me, particularly if I want to use some images for my blog posts or pictures for oral presentation or tutorial slides. Pixabay is one of my favourite sites for good quality free images. When I was preparing my study leaflet and poster, I bought some Royalty… Continue Reading →

Thing 11: Copyright

Thing 10: Wikimedia

  Thanks to 23Things, now I know that Wikimedia has many projects. Among all projects, I was interested in Wikimedia Commons.  I think this resource will be handy if I want to find free images or any media files for blogging, making slides for presentations, etc. I tried to search “nurses” and look what I found,… Continue Reading →

Thing 10: Wikimedia

Thing 9: Collaborate Ultra

I’ve been both a participant and a moderator in Collaborate Ultra sessions. My experience being a participant is when I attended the online IAD workshop about ‘Engaging students in an online environment’ delivered via Collaborate  Ultra. My first thought was that Collaborate Ultra was similar to Youtube that we could watch live video and had… Continue Reading →

Thing 9: Collaborate Ultra

Thing 8: Facebook

I decided to stop using Facebook months before its scandal involving user data. So I won’t discuss the scandal here, but I rather explain why I don’t use facebook anymore. The main reason is that I spent too much time Facebooking! Before quitting, I was convincing myself that Facebook was necessary to keep in touch… Continue Reading →

Thing 8: Facebook

Thing 7: Twitter

I have been a Twitter user for a long time but I never use any management tools for my account. I took the opportunity of Thing 7 to explore Analytics and TweetDeck. It’s very impressive to see that almost a thousand of people have read my last tweet but the engagement rate was only 1%! I’m also… Continue Reading →

Thing 7: Twitter

Thing 6: Accessibility

After reading the stories of web users and the article by Sabrina Fonesca for Thing 6, I came to realise that I used to take for granted the visual appearance of a website. I thought it would be fine as long as the colours used were not green or red. But accessibility encompasses more dimensions other… Continue Reading →

Thing 6: Accessibility

Thing 5: Diversity

Thing 5 reminds me of The Emoji Movie where there’s a princess emoji wanting to be herself and used a baseball cap instead of a crown. I never really thought that emojis could be related to diversity issue. This perhaps related to my preference to use the yellow round faces and things instead of gender-specific faces, etc…. Continue Reading →

Thing 5: Diversity

Thing 4: Digital Security

Digital security and privacy of my mobile phone have been brought to my attention even before learning Thing 4. My reason is that I feel weird if any application can access my location even though I’m not using it. So in my mobile phone setting, I always select ‘while using’ option. After I downloaded the app MyPermissions Privacy Cleaner… Continue Reading →

Thing 4: Digital Security