Hello and welcome back to the Digital Cosmos & I! Personal and physical health can, in my opinion, be seen as a treasure and gift, which we should appreciate and be thankful for. By working and dealing with the sixth Thing, I got an eyes-opening insight on the topic of accessibility. Before reading through the … Continue reading Thing 6: Accessibility – Making it possible for everyone to take part in the Digital Cosmos
Author: thedigitalcosmosandi
Thing 5: Diversity – How to represent others and myself “correctly” in the Digital Cosmos
Hello and welcome back to the Digital Cosmos & I! Emojis. Every student my age knows and used them on an everday basis while sending and typing text messages to family and friends. Over the years, smart phone providers like Apple introduced emojis of almost every skin colour / race to achieve a representation of … Continue reading Thing 5: Diversity – How to represent others and myself “correctly” in the Digital Cosmos
Thing 4: Digital Security – How do I provide safety in my Digital Cosmos?
Hello and welcome back to the Digital Cosmos & I! After discovering my digital footprint in the Digital Cosmos, I have learned more about digital security and what I, as an user, can do to achieve more safety while using my smart phone, laptop, etc. Of course, digital security is a topic that should affect … Continue reading Thing 4: Digital Security – How do I provide safety in my Digital Cosmos?
Thing 3: Digital Footprint – Finding myself in the Digital Cosmos of Facebook & Co.
Hello and welcome back to the Digital Cosmos & I! In today’s session, I got more in touch with knowledge, case studies and information material about the topic of our digital footprint. Personally, I think it is important and valuable to consider your own digital footprint, which you leave everyday by interaction, posts, etc. Similar … Continue reading Thing 3: Digital Footprint – Finding myself in the Digital Cosmos of Facebook & Co.
Stepping into my Digital Cosmos.
On October 7th, I started my journey and exploration into my personal digital cosmos. I am very glad to see, that you decided to join me. To introduce myself briefly: My name is Jonas and I am a 21-year-old third semester Business Administration student in the fields of International Business. In this year’s lecture of … Continue reading Stepping into my Digital Cosmos.