As recognition that I’ve completed all 23 things blog posts, I was really pleased to earn an open badge. From the email telling me about this I was able to press a button and add the details to my LinkedIn profile – and was tickled to see the cute badger icon that is used by … Continue reading 23 Things: Badge →
Author: Susan Greig
Thing 23: Reflection
Here I am finally (and just a few weeks late!) tackling the final’thing’ by looking back over my experience of completing the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge activities. The things that I particularly enjoyed are: Bitmoji from Thing 5: Diversity – why write a message when a small image of myself can say it better? SoundCloud from … Continue reading Thing 23: Reflection →
Thing 22: Vine
For this ‘thing’ – about fun and play – I decided to experiment with Vine. I wasn’t 100% sure what I usefully do with a 6 second video – but I was inspired by the examples on I began by watching the Vine Video Tutorial which made it all seem very straightforward. However my experience was … Continue reading Thing 22: Vine →
Thing 21: Online Games and Learning
National Museum of Scotland – Morse Code This is a simple cute game that illustrates how text is translated into Morse code. It’s basic but I think gives enough information to get the point across. I did wonder how useful it would be for a younger child who had no idea how Morse code worked … Continue reading Thing 21: Online Games and Learning →
Thing 20: Professional Social Networks – LinkedIn
I have used LinkedIn for a number of years. I like that it gives me a public profile that I control, and in fact I don’t actually keep a paper CV any more, but I do update LinkedIn when something changes in my job of I gain a qualification. This ‘thing’ has inspired me to … Continue reading Thing 20: Professional Social Networks – LinkedIn →
Thing 19: Altmetrics
I installed the Altmetric Bookmarklet (which is really simple to install and use). Then I explored a few publications in my area of learning technology. It was sad to see some very low altmetric scores – it made me think how comparatively easy it would be to increase these with a few well placed tweets. After … Continue reading Thing 19: Altmetrics →
Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality As recommended for this week I tried InCell – a game where you are miniaturised into the micro world of human cell and must race stop the advance of a virus in your patient. I was able to use this during a team coffee break using the VR googles we have in the office. … Continue reading Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality →
Thing 17: Geolocation Tools
I decided to try I downloaded the App to my phone and after a wee explore realised that I pass several geocaches on my walk to work. I was hoping that this blog post would be accompanied by a triumphant photo of a geocache – but it turned out to be slightly harder than I’d imagined! … Continue reading Thing 17: Geolocation Tools →
Thing 16: OneNote
I’ve moved to having a laptop as my main device at work and started to use OneNote for note taking recently. I like having all my notes in one place – it’s very similar conceptually to carrying round a paper notebook. I like that I no longer need to carry paper print outs to meetings. I find … Continue reading Thing 16: OneNote →
Thing 15: Tumblr / Storify
Here is my Storify – Certified Membership of the Association of Learning Technology – All about Certified Membership of the Association of Learning Technology and how to get it I was pleasantly surprised by how easy this was too pull together and how nice the result is. I’ll be looking for opportunities to use this again. Tumblr is another site … Continue reading Thing 15: Tumblr / Storify →
Thing 14: Audio – Podcasts and SoundCloud
I’m a big lover of audio books (actually I have been since as a child I discovered you could borrow vast boxes of cassette tapes to listen to at the library) but now I’m more high tech and have an Audible subscription. So you’d think podcasts would be just the thing for me. But so … Continue reading Thing 14: Audio – Podcasts and SoundCloud →
Thing 13: Video with Vimeo
I’m already familiar with YouTube and Media Hopper, so so this activity I took a look at Vimeo. First I tried to work out how Vimeo differs from YouTube – the suggests that it has an emphasis on high quality and on creative content. Certainly the interface looks ‘arty’ and sleak. I search around … Continue reading Thing 13: Video with Vimeo →