23 Things: Badge

As recognition that I’ve completed all 23 things blog posts, I was really pleased to earn an open badge. From the email telling me about this I was able to press a button and add the details to my LinkedIn profile – and was tickled to see the cute badger icon that is used by … Continue reading 23 Things: Badge

23 Things: Badge

Thing 23: Reflection

Here I am finally (and just a few weeks late!) tackling the final’thing’ by looking back over my experience of completing the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge activities. The things that I particularly enjoyed are: Bitmoji from Thing 5: Diversity – why write a message when a small image of myself can say it better? SoundCloud from … Continue reading Thing 23: Reflection

Thing 23: Reflection

Thing 22: Vine

For this ‘thing’ – about fun and play – I decided to experiment with Vine. I wasn’t 100% sure what I usefully do with a 6 second video – but I was inspired by the examples on 6secondscience.tumblr.com. I began by watching the Lynda.com Vine Video Tutorial  which made it all seem very straightforward. However my experience was … Continue reading Thing 22: Vine

Thing 22: Vine

Thing 19: Altmetrics

I installed the Altmetric Bookmarklet  (which is really simple to install and use). Then I explored a few publications in my area of learning technology. It was sad to see some very low altmetric scores – it made me think how comparatively easy it would be to increase these with a few well placed tweets. After … Continue reading Thing 19: Altmetrics

Thing 19: Altmetrics

Thing 16: OneNote

I’ve moved to having a laptop as my main device at work and started to use OneNote for note taking recently. I like having all my notes in one place – it’s very similar conceptually to carrying round a paper notebook. I like that I no longer need to carry paper print outs to meetings.  I find … Continue reading Thing 16: OneNote

Thing 16: OneNote