Altmetrics is useful as it helps government policy makers, researchers and news media services understand how information is shared by the public and their perception / popularity towards it. It captures a range of online sources of how a document is used and shared. Altmetrics can display the geographical area (by countries) of shared informationContinue reading “Altmetrics – Thing 19”
Author: stellademarchi
Reflection – Thing 23
In reflection of completing 23 Things, I am really excited that I have learnt how to create my own website via WordPress and how to blog. I have not had any experience with either of these before. At times, I felt like I would not have enough time to complete 23 Things due to theContinue reading “Reflection – Thing 23”
Fun, Play and Create – Thing 22
Snap chat is an app which I have not personally used on my phone, however I have seen my kids and husband play around with it and it looks like a heap of fun. Messages and photos are sent to family and friends, and these disappear after a very short period of time. Basically aContinue reading “Fun, Play and Create – Thing 22”
Online Games and Learning – Thing 21
I haven’t used any of these online games before, however I tried Kahoot and Sumdog which were a lot of fun. Interactive games which increase difficulty according to your skill level is a great way for students to learn at their own pace, whilst …
Professional Social Networks – Thing 20
Linkedin is a very popular social network site used specifically as a professional database. People can post their work experience online and make connections with: peers from their current company people dealt with on a regular basis from other companies (ie. suppliers and customers) as well as friends. It is used to build a professionalContinue reading “Professional Social Networks – Thing 20”
Augmented/Virtual Reality – Thing 18
I have chosen to explore the Quiver Vision app. This is a great app to do with the kids. With this app you will need to print out the Quiver Vision pictures. Then you colour or get the kids to colour them in. Once you have finished colouring in the pictures, you need to getContinue reading “Augmented/Virtual Reality – Thing 18”
Geolocation – Thing 17
I have decided to write about using GPS maps. For example, I use Google Maps on my Android phone. This is an app I use regularly. This is great when you need to go to a location you are not familiar with, just type it in the GPS and put location on and it willContinue reading “Geolocation – Thing 17”
OneNote – Thing 16
I checked out Microsoft OneNote app and discovered it is a great digital notebook that you can store all your notes, audio, etc, in the one app. With this app you can even record audio from your laptop, and it automatically saves and syncs your notes/ideas as you work. You can store all your greatContinue reading “OneNote – Thing 16”
Digital Curation – Thing 15
I have never used Tumblr before. Was interesting to see how it was set out. It’s very similar to Blogging and Twitter combined. I explored a few topics on Tumblr and it came back with quite a bit of content. However, I don’t believe I would use this form of digital curation in future asContinue reading “Digital Curation – Thing 15”
Audio – Podcasts – Thing 14
I am aware of Podcasts as I know friends who listen to shows on cooking, outdoors, and the latest technologies, however I have not personally used it. I have recently listened to a few different Podcasts whilst doing Thing 14, and can see how popular it can be for people to listen to whilst relaxingContinue reading “Audio – Podcasts – Thing 14”
Video – YouTube – Thing 13
I have chosen YouTube as I am exposed to it on a daily basis. My youngest son uses it to watch Power Rangers episodes, my eldest son craves 4WD and dirt bike videos, my daughter loves watching “how to crochet” tutorials, and I enjoy cooking videos on YouTube. YouTube has come a long way andContinue reading “Video – YouTube – Thing 13”
Open Educational Resources (OER) – Thing 12
OER is a global resource which can be used to provide information and further resources in relation to different fields. For example, the OER below for libraries provides “how to” video tutorials.