Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 20: Professional Social Networks (LinkedIn/Academia.edu/ResearchGate)

Thing 20 is asking me to look at LinkedIn, Academia.edu and ResearchGate. As an active user of LinkedIn and with accounts of the other two, I’ve already explored this area in great depth. I included these three sites in a Social Media at Work e-Learning package I produced when I worked at Imperial College London. […]

Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 20: Professional Social Networks (LinkedIn/Academia.edu/ResearchGate)

Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 19: Altmetrics

This week we are being asked to look at Altmetrics. I have heard about this in recent weeks, so it was a good exercise to install the app in the browser and test it out. I found an article from Nature: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v482/n7383/full/482027a.html and clicked on the Altmetric it bookmarklet, which resulted in this page: https://www.altmetric.com/details/585373?src=bookmarklet. I like […]

Week 10 of 23 Things – Thing 19: Altmetrics