Thing 16- One note

I have tried this before and really not found it as intuitive or shareable as google system or Evernote. Anyway, as it is part of the set of tasks, I used the opportunity to explore again and was pleasantly surprised that they had added some fluidity to some of the features. The adding audio/video had … Continue reading Thing 16- One note

Thing 16- One note

Thing 15- TUMBLR

To start with , this ‘thing’ took many months to accomplish although it was something I was already familiar, as the institution I was working for had a new security system put in place as part of the PREVENT strategy for education but the owner of the security took draconian measures, blocking all blogs that … Continue reading Thing 15- TUMBLR

Thing 15- TUMBLR

Thing 12: OER

This is something that more people need to join, something that should be publicised even more. I have noticed in the last few years the increasing welth of material avaialbale in Wikimedia commons,Soundcloud and FLICKR – whoch has a lot more educational content than you might expect. I have engaged with MOOCs both as particpant … Continue reading Thing 12: OER

Thing 12: OER


Thank you 23 Things! Without this task I would never have bothered to investigate further into Wikipedia. I have only been a consumer of information and not a creator; I have always noticed the extra sections and headings in Wikipedia but only cursory glances at what they may involve means I have never investigated the … Continue reading Wikimazing
