I decided to try hour of code as a new experience and also review Kahoot, something I have used with my students since it became available but have lapsed in using over the past couple of years. I should mention that I have used it first as a creator and then as a student and … Continue reading Thing 21 Online Games and Learning tools →
Author: Profrolf
Thing 20 (Anti-)Social Networks
I must admit that although I spend a huge amount of time using technology, I have had little interest or engagement in Facebook or other social networking sites over the years. I am someone who thrives on real life, face to face contact and there was a level of falsity (i.e. that is not a … Continue reading Thing 20 (Anti-)Social Networks →
Thing 19 Altmetrics
It was fascinating to see how many articles I chose in the area of ePortfolios had no altmetrics on at all. The first 48 I selected had no data at all, then number 49 mentioned there was no sharing activity on that article and it took another 30 until I found an article with data … Continue reading Thing 19 Altmetrics →
Thing 18 Augmented /Virtual Reality
I started experimenting with augmented reality by first downloading content that you printed out and could then use your phone to make “come alive”; I remember an Alien, a monster, a car and a hightop trainer. You could ‘colour’ them in using your phone. Then I found one that allowed you to draw weird … Continue reading Thing 18 Augmented /Virtual Reality →
Thing 17 Geolocation tools
I can remember a friend doing this with her husband and family a couple of years ago but didn’t really get it or see the draw. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy a treasure hunt as I have created many for my daughter when she was small and also in my work for my … Continue reading Thing 17 Geolocation tools →
Thing 16- One note
I have tried this before and really not found it as intuitive or shareable as google system or Evernote. Anyway, as it is part of the set of tasks, I used the opportunity to explore again and was pleasantly surprised that they had added some fluidity to some of the features. The adding audio/video had … Continue reading Thing 16- One note →
Thing 15- TUMBLR
To start with , this ‘thing’ took many months to accomplish although it was something I was already familiar, as the institution I was working for had a new security system put in place as part of the PREVENT strategy for education but the owner of the security took draconian measures, blocking all blogs that … Continue reading Thing 15- TUMBLR →
Thing 14 Audio – Podcasts
I have been using podcasts with the students and teachers I work with since their inception. They have developed so much in a short time and the addition of easy to use apps to help access them on mobile devices revolutionised the engagement of my students. In the bad old days students could borrow a … Continue reading Thing 14 Audio – Podcasts →
Thing 13 – Why do we still say -Video?
I looked at the 3 options and after spending far too long looking through all – I settled for YouTube as my resource of choice as it had the greatest variety of items that are relevant to my profession and those I would like to share this journey with. As most people I have used … Continue reading Thing 13 – Why do we still say -Video? →
Thing 12: OER
This is something that more people need to join, something that should be publicised even more. I have noticed in the last few years the increasing welth of material avaialbale in Wikimedia commons,Soundcloud and FLICKR – whoch has a lot more educational content than you might expect. I have engaged with MOOCs both as particpant … Continue reading Thing 12: OER →
Copyrights and Copywrongs
About 10 years ago I went for my first training on Copyright and digital content with a Publisher off the Strand in London. The person who gave the training had been working in copyright for 25 years and mentioned how much is unknown, or at least undefined in terms of digital content. We were given … Continue reading Copyrights and Copywrongs →
Thank you 23 Things! Without this task I would never have bothered to investigate further into Wikipedia. I have only been a consumer of information and not a creator; I have always noticed the extra sections and headings in Wikipedia but only cursory glances at what they may involve means I have never investigated the … Continue reading Wikimazing →