Thing 22: Fun and Play

Had a play with snapchat and Vine.  Really fun tools but like the simplicity of using my phone to text people.  If it’s not at my finger tips I’m not sure how often I would use these things, especially since I’m not Ridley Scott or Spike Lee.

Thing 22: Fun and Play

Thing 13: Video – YouTube, Vimeo, and Media Hopper

I like the UoE’s Media Hopper platform to produce video that can be shared with others.  It’s great we have this resource.  However, my preferred choice of media would have to be YouTube.  Probably because it seems easier to use and publish things to a wider audience potentially.  Most of the time you hear about … Continue reading Thing 13: Video – YouTube, Vimeo, and Media Hopper

Thing 13: Video – YouTube, Vimeo, and Media Hopper

Bonus Thing 12

I would love to create and share my own material as OER.  However, as I am in the early stages of learning about blogs in general and the OER I would need a mentor or guidance from someone to work on something like this!  It would be exciting to be an author of something, even … Continue reading Bonus Thing 12

Bonus Thing 12