Thing 15 – Tumblr

Locate a Tumblr blog in your field or hobby of interest and share this on your blog. I located a Tumblr blog on a subject that I have keen interests in, and that is anthropology. I studied the subject at university some years ago and have kept coming back to the subject from time … Continue reading “Thing 15 – Tumblr”

Thing 15 – Tumblr

Thin 13 – Video

I have discovered that YouTube is an excellent platform for accessing a range of videos online. Whatever one’s interest, there probably is a video covering it- from tutorials of various educational and general interests, to music videos, movies, animation, you name it, there probably is a video. Also, the quality of videos are a mixture … Continue reading “Thin 13 – Video”

Thin 13 – Video

Thing 14 – Podcasts

I want to Soundcloud and found an interesting podcast on anthropology. Anthropology is an area of interests that I have. This was a talk by an anthropologist named Gillian Tett who used her anthropology training while working in the financial services industry to highlight the cultural problems, especially in the way language was used, that … Continue reading “Thing 14 – Podcasts”

Thing 14 – Podcasts

Thing 12 – Open Education Resources

I found this topic very interesting. Today with the explosion of information, many organisation, especially formal educational institutions like universities, are providing open access educationally resources. I think this can be a good thing for people to participate in continuous education and retraining. It provides with the information that they require in the topics they … Continue reading “Thing 12 – Open Education Resources”

Thing 12 – Open Education Resources

Digital Security

To begin with, my smartphone uses Android version 2.3.5. I have had the smartphone for about three years. In the technology world this is ancient. When I went to the My website I put in my number to get the app sent to my phone, which it subsequently did; however, when I went to download the … Continue reading “Digital Security”

Digital Security

Digital Footprint

Today, with people participating more and more online in various activities, either work or social, people are leaving traces of these activities. This is what I think a digital footprint is – a trace of what one has been reading, viewing, listening, and engaging with in the online sphere. This is why I think people … Continue reading “Digital Footprint”

Digital Footprint