
My teacher in school also had a green and red color blindness. He had sometimes problems with text books or online articles. He used a special app on his phone that allowed him to adjust the contrast on his phone. The iPhone offeres the possibility to make the Apps bigger if you have a debility … Accessibility weiterlesen


My Digital Footprint

We all have online profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook or somewhere else. You post stuff about you and your life, where you work, the date of your birthday or where you study. Sometimes I have to admit I forget that the Internet never forgets. You always have to remeber „only post things that your mom and … My Digital Footprint weiterlesen

My Digital Footprint

First things first

This is my first blog entry. I want to elaborate what I hope to learn through 23things and what I imagine 23things is like. I hope to amplify my knowledge about digital learning tools and how to make presentations more diversified. Personally, I think 23things is a great way to fullfill my goals thanks to … First things first weiterlesen

First things first

Erster Blogbeitrag

I am a student at the DHBW Heidenheim.
We are doing the project „23 Things“ in one of our courses and in this blog I will share my experience with 23 Things and the Digital Business Tools.
I have never had a blog before, therefore I hope yo…

Erster Blogbeitrag