Thing 9 & 10 – Google Hangouts, Collaborate Ultra, and Wikimedia

Online Meeting Tools Tools such as Google Hangouts, Collaborate Ultra, and Zoom have seen increased usage during the COVID-19 pandemic as people are practicing social distancing. Some universities have moved all classes online for the time being and professors are using these tools in order to connect with students from their homes. I’ve been using … Continue reading Thing 9 & 10 – Google Hangouts, Collaborate Ultra, and Wikimedia

Thing 9 & 10 – Google Hangouts, Collaborate Ultra, and Wikimedia

Thing 3 & 4 – Digital Footprint and Digital Security

My Digital Footprint I think that the information on digital footprints is helpful in order to maintain a good impression on future employers in regards to one’s online presence by making a distinction between a personal and profession social media account. When researching my own digital footprint, the top result on Google was this ePortfolio … Continue reading Thing 3 & 4 – Digital Footprint and Digital Security

Thing 3 & 4 – Digital Footprint and Digital Security