Thing 19- Altmetrics

Altmetrics are a way to measure the impact and reach of scholarly and scientific papers using metrics and qualitative data  There are a number of impact methods or measures commonly available to use. For this ‘thing’ I explored Altmetric a plugin that can be added to your bookmarks bar, which examines how much online attention …

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Thing 19- Altmetrics

Thing 16- OneNote

One Note, part of the Microsoft Office365 suite, is a digital note-taking application that enables users to create digital ‘notebooks’ that can be shared between authorised team members or users and accessed across a variety of devices.  The app is not just restricted to typed text-based input but can also accommodate videos, images, handwritten text …

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Thing 16- OneNote

Thing 12 – Open Educational Resources

Open Education Resources or OER’s are educational resources (for example podcasts, video recordings, lecture slides) that have been licenced to allow them to be shared and reused. A quick internet search reveals resources covering such diverse areas as a Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Visualisations and a Math in Society course available from the Open Course …

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Thing 12 – Open Educational Resources

Thing 11- Copyright

Thing 11 from the University of Edinburgh’s 23 Things course explores the area of Intellectual Property Rights referred to as ‘copyright’ – the rights given to the author of a creative work. Creative works can take many forms, and the automatic rights of authors will differ dependant upon what type of creative work they produce, …

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Thing 11- Copyright