This is the second last ‘Thing’, meaning my 23Things journey is almost over! This week I had fun creating digital objects with cool tools including Dubsmash and Snapchat, both of which I downloaded and used on an Android device. Dubsmash was particularly enjoyable as it allows you to create videos of yourself lip-syncing to audio. …
Author: katborcherdt
Thing 21- Online Games and Learning
For this activity I was tasked with playing educational games (tough, but someone has to do it!), and blogging about how games might be useful for learners and educators. I chose to visit the Kahoot and Hour of Code websites. Both platforms were easy to access, with uncomplicated sign up processes. Both had free content …
Thing 20- Professional Social Networks
This week I am examining the relative merits of LinkedIn a professional social networking platform. LinkedIn claims to have more than 675 million members, and markets itself as a way to manage and build your professional identity and network. Like most similar platforms, LinkedIn requires a user to sign up for an account both to …
Thing 19- Altmetrics
Altmetrics are a way to measure the impact and reach of scholarly and scientific papers using metrics and qualitative data There are a number of impact methods or measures commonly available to use. For this ‘thing’ I explored Altmetric a plugin that can be added to your bookmarks bar, which examines how much online attention …
Thing 18 – Augmented and Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality technology provides a way of interacting with the real world in an environment that has been digitally altered or enhanced using, for example, overlays of colour or digital imagery added to an existing view. Virtual Reality is a simulation of a real-world environment or 3D model that the user can immerse themselves in …
Thing 17- Geolocation Tools
Geolocation is the process of locating a person or object using digital information, most commonly data from satellites combined with the Global Positioning System (or GPS). You might have a GPS system in your car to help you find your way around (mine often sends me on wild adventures…perhaps I need to learn to follow …
Thing 16- OneNote
One Note, part of the Microsoft Office365 suite, is a digital note-taking application that enables users to create digital ‘notebooks’ that can be shared between authorised team members or users and accessed across a variety of devices. The app is not just restricted to typed text-based input but can also accommodate videos, images, handwritten text …
Thing 15- Digital Curation
What is digital curation? In a nutshell, it’s the process of collecting, storing, preserving and archiving digital data or assets. Many of us like to keep physical and digital collections of items such as documents and photographs that are important to us. Digital curation can be confined to local storage (such as your computer hard …
Thing 14- Audio: Podcasts
Podcasts are downloadable, digital audio files that can be listened to from your mobile phone, PC, laptop, android or iOS device. Unlike ‘live’ TV or radio programs, their downloadability means podcasts can be enjoyed whenever and wherever you like. My favourite place to listen to a podcast? In the car! I find SoundCloud a great …
Thing 13- Video- YouTube
Thing 13 led me to visit and explore the world’s largest video hosting website: YouTube, a place where countless hours can be spent viewing, sharing and commenting on video presentations about almost any subject you can imagine. YouTube’s mission is to “give everyone a voice and show them the world” and I was pleased to …
Thing 12 – Open Educational Resources
Open Education Resources or OER’s are educational resources (for example podcasts, video recordings, lecture slides) that have been licenced to allow them to be shared and reused. A quick internet search reveals resources covering such diverse areas as a Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Visualisations and a Math in Society course available from the Open Course …
Thing 11- Copyright
Thing 11 from the University of Edinburgh’s 23 Things course explores the area of Intellectual Property Rights referred to as ‘copyright’ – the rights given to the author of a creative work. Creative works can take many forms, and the automatic rights of authors will differ dependant upon what type of creative work they produce, …