Thing 7 and 8

Things 7 and 8 seem quite timely for me – I have recently restarted my twitter account!  I opened an account about 4 years ago when I did a PGcert in digital education, and aside from an aborted attempt to restart it last summer I am trying to use it now….  At the moment mostly … Continue reading Thing 7 and 8

Thing 7 and 8

Thing 4

Thing 4 – digital security, as someone who is inherently a bit suspicious of phones, data and social media – I feel I should know more about this than i do! I have always found fact that I was giving away information a bit worrying but it has always seemed that if you want to … Continue reading Thing 4

Thing 4

Thing 3

So thing 3 – digital footprint, step 1 – google myself, I was happy to see that the first thing that comes up is my University page, however I was then not happy to realise that the information is out of date and has bits of code in the text. Note to self – come … Continue reading Thing 3

Thing 3