Thing 11: Copyright

Heart Attack by Moini Although I have searched for images on wikimedia commons before, and used the licence settings on Google images for the same purpose, I have never used Creative Commons before.   The image used here is copyright free and the video with a CCBY licence.  I will utilise this resource in the future … Continue reading Thing 11: Copyright

Thing 11: Copyright

Thing 10: Wikipedia

I really enjoyed playing the Wikipedia Adventure; I hadn’t truly considered the editing of the pages to be collaborative, rather that they were created, edited (and potentially sabotaged) by individuals.  I feel confident now that I could make useful (and polite) additions or corrections to pages and that I could make my own pages.   Very … Continue reading Thing 10: Wikipedia

Thing 10: Wikipedia

Thing 9: Google Hangouts

I hadn’t looked at Google Hangouts since they first came out.  I will come back to this to explore the broadcast option as I think this has potential for some aspects of our public engagement.  I didn’t have anyone to hang out with so couldn’t try the bonus!

Thing 9: Google Hangouts

Thing 7 – Twitter

Well, I now can’t decide whether to view Twitter through my new lists or view my departmental and home accounts through Tweetdeck!   As I follow many work-related accounts through my personal account, lists have changed the way I will view my timeline in future – I have sorted those I follow into “work” and “home” … Continue reading Thing 7 – Twitter

Thing 7 – Twitter


The documentation on diversification of emojis was extremely interesting.  Prior to reading (and not having given it much thought) I had considered offering a range of emojis which reflect society to be a positive step – stereotypes abound.  However I was struck by the exploration of the use of emojis as identifiers when composing messages. … Continue reading Diversity


My Digital Footprint

As part of the 23 Things course, I Googled myself – I have never done this before and wasn’t expecting much as I don’t have much of an online presence (my Facebook and Twitter accounts are private and largely unpopulated (I have never tweeted from my personal account, I just follow).  As suspected, my relatively … Continue reading My Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint