The small number of OERs from the College of Medicine on Open.Ed may reflect the difficulties in presenting clinical education online, although an online MSc with which I was involved does use a number of the Henry Stewart Lectures. Surgical skills and Global Health have paved the way in opening up Edinburgh Medicine online. I … Continue reading Thing 12: Open Educational Resources
Author: impactforcvs
Thing 11: Copyright
Heart Attack by Moini Although I have searched for images on wikimedia commons before, and used the licence settings on Google images for the same purpose, I have never used Creative Commons before. The image used here is copyright free and the video with a CCBY licence. I will utilise this resource in the future … Continue reading Thing 11: Copyright
Thing 10: Wikipedia
I really enjoyed playing the Wikipedia Adventure; I hadn’t truly considered the editing of the pages to be collaborative, rather that they were created, edited (and potentially sabotaged) by individuals. I feel confident now that I could make useful (and polite) additions or corrections to pages and that I could make my own pages. Very … Continue reading Thing 10: Wikipedia
Thing 9: Google Hangouts
I hadn’t looked at Google Hangouts since they first came out. I will come back to this to explore the broadcast option as I think this has potential for some aspects of our public engagement. I didn’t have anyone to hang out with so couldn’t try the bonus!
Thing 8: Facebook…or not
I resisted having any form of Facebook presence for a long time but was finally thwarted by a club using only Facebook for information. I therefore have a profile containing my name and town. Nothing else. This allows me to be added to groups for information purposes but I never post. I have no desire … Continue reading Thing 8: Facebook…or not
Thing 7 – Twitter
Well, I now can’t decide whether to view Twitter through my new lists or view my departmental and home accounts through Tweetdeck! As I follow many work-related accounts through my personal account, lists have changed the way I will view my timeline in future – I have sorted those I follow into “work” and “home” … Continue reading Thing 7 – Twitter
Thing 6 – Accessibility
I have just completed a revamped version of our Centre website using a University developer; I was therefore pretty confident that our information was accessible. The WAVE tool showed that, aside from the expected lack of alt. text for images in some instances (something we are working to correct), the colour contrast on the main … Continue reading Thing 6 – Accessibility
The documentation on diversification of emojis was extremely interesting. Prior to reading (and not having given it much thought) I had considered offering a range of emojis which reflect society to be a positive step – stereotypes abound. However I was struck by the exploration of the use of emojis as identifiers when composing messages. … Continue reading Diversity
Thing 4 – smartphone security
The way to secure a smartphone is to be aware that you lend it to a small child! No in-app purchases, access to location (well, other than on the satnav and bbc radio iplayer) or many apps enabled to push notifications (phone buzzing all day asking you to water a virtual flower “planted” by your … Continue reading Thing 4 – smartphone security
My Digital Footprint
As part of the 23 Things course, I Googled myself – I have never done this before and wasn’t expecting much as I don’t have much of an online presence (my Facebook and Twitter accounts are private and largely unpopulated (I have never tweeted from my personal account, I just follow). As suspected, my relatively … Continue reading My Digital Footprint
A new start
This is the excerpt for your very first post.