This activity was a real eye opener. The activity where I accessed the settings on my IPhone and examined the security settings was a learning curve. I can see that I will need to spend time to learn more and re set to a high level of security the setting I have on all my … Continue reading “Things 4 Digital Security.”
Author: drfreudianlibrarian
My examination of my digital footprint
In the step three of Edinburgh University 23 digital things I read the article on Digital footprints. The exercise required me to search for my name in Good and to examine the results. I share the similar name with the deceased Hollywood TV actor Michael Landon. His surname was without a G after Lan/. Google found many postings … Continue reading “My examination of my digital footprint”
My participation in 23 Things
From completing 23 things my aim is to expand my data and digital skills set. This is the beginning of my journey digital literacy.
A new post
I m slowly learning and navigating my way around the new features of this blog. More new and exciting content to come soon.
Welcome to my blog.
I am a library officer at the library of the University of Technology in Sydney Australia. This blog will be a collection of my random thoughts and observations on many topics