I skipped them – I am a millenial (just) and by osmosis know these things, sorry!
Author: datestamper
Thing 6: Accessibility
Image: ‘JSB Multiview’ from Design Council Slide Collection 1989 This Thing on accessibility gives some detailed examples of needs of users. I ran my institution’s OPAC through the WAVE website and found it had very little problems in comparison to other library catalogue pages. It is something I could probably tinker with all day, comparing […]
Thing 5: diversity
This one irritated me more than I can actually put into words. I really don’t see how an app can take in all the nuances of a human face, if it could it would have millions of options. Also, unless you have a very dramatic style your person will look nothing like you. I suppose […]
Thing 4: digital security
Pretty simple this one, went to my phone (windows) found the app permissions and turned most of them off. As I don’t really use apps it wasn’t a big deal and the only ones that I did want access to various things were whatsapp and the camera app. I was warned when I got my […]
:Thing 3: digital footprint
These things are taking me a while to do but here I am again with Thing 3. I googled myself and it came up with maybe more hits of me than is normal due to my unusual surname: The first hit relates to my artistic practice on tumblr and I am happy with this […]
23 Things – Thing 2
To begin I would like to introduce myself; I am an Assistant Librarian in Norwich working within the Higher Education sector and specialise in my degree subject, art. I have recently been acting up to cover the Head of Services which was a baptism of fire and now things have calmed down and I don’t […]